le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux comprendre les possibilities.
- Notes for upcoming exams:
- Oral exam - Tues June 11 - Thurs June 13. Must be ready for June 11. 2 parts - Oral production - talk for 2 minutes (talk, not a formal, memorized speech but may use an index card with some point form notes to help organize). Topic: What I learned this semester/this year. At least one thing learned in French class, rest is open - other classes, school in general, life in general. Then, oral interaction - teacher will ask a few questions.
- Listening exam: Fri. June 14
- Written exam: Wed. June 19. More detailed information coming for that exam soon.
- le conditionnel - reviewed use and formation, then did and checked handout. Answer key photo here and also in classroom.
- lesson and note: le conditionnel antérieur/ passé and reviewed le plus-que-parfait
- Cyrano de Bergerac: We will not be finishing the presentations for the adaptations. Individual groups with work already done can submit work completed for informal assessment.
- DVD is available on YouTube if you wish to watch it again.
- There will be an essay-type question on the exam - choices, and will be able to prepare an outline to use on the exam.
- Watching DVD Roxanne, an adaptation of Cyrano and taking notes in form of Venn Diagram. We will be doing discussion and developing an exam question from this.
- les devoirs: Review le conditionnel, organize notes, make sure Cyrano work is all done. Prepare for oral exam, watch some French TV or other audio on internet. Journal/blog if not already completed.

le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment parler des événements à l'avenir.
- Speaking activity: Watched short animated video, then described to partner who had been out in the hall. Avez-vous déjà vu Cendrillon qui prend l'avion? & Avez-vous déjà vu une patate qui va chez le coiffeur?
- Notes about upcoming exams:
- Oral exam - Tues June 11 - Thurs June 13. Must be ready for June 11. 2 parts - Oral production - talk for 1 - 1 1/2 minutes (talk, not a formal, memorized speech but may use an index card with some point form notes to help organize). Topic: mon introduction. We wrote a large number of ideas on the SmartBoard during our discussion and will be making a handout out of that. Then, oral interaction - teacher will ask a few questions.
- Listening exam: Fri. June 14
- Written exam: Fri. June 21. More detailed information coming for that exam soon.
- Le futur simple: handout practice sheets due - checked answers from keys at back of classroom or in blog posting FSF1D le futur simple - réponses.
- speaking activity with partners
- Les rendez-vous des monstres: speed-dating reflection and self-assessment due. Not a formal "essay", so no need to use entire writing process. Please write double-spaced to make it easier to read and mark.
- la compatabilité - le plus et le moins - most and least compatible monsters. Write a short description for each, discuss similarities and differences with your monster, and say why they might be a good/poor match. Use rating sheet and notes to help.
- la reflexion: What did you think you did well, not so well and how could you have better prepared?
- work time
- make note, "flap note" or reference sheet for le futur simple - test Mon June 10 - can use note
- choose 10 sentences in futur simple from last page of handouts for "Mon avenir" to write in a good copy - due Thurs. June 6
- les devoirs: 20 min or so le futur simple 10 sentences and/or note. Can start preparing for oral exam. Journal/blog if not already done.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux comprendre Au revoir les enfants.
- Speaking activity: Watched short animated video, then described to partner who had been out in the hall Avez-vous déjà vu Cendrillon qui prend l'avion? & Avez-vous déjà vu une patate qui va chez le coiffeur?
- Notes about upcoming exams:
- Oral exam - Tues June 11 -Wed June 12. Must be ready for June 11. 2 parts - Oral production - talk for 1 1/2 - 2 minutes (talk, not a formal, memorized speech but may use an index card with some point form notes to help organize). Topic: What I learned this semester/this year. At least one thing learned in French class, rest is open - other classes, school in general, life in general. Then, oral interaction - teacher will ask a few questions.
- Listening exam: Fri. June 14
- Written exam: Mon. June 24. More detailed information coming for that exam soon.
- Au revoir les enfants:
- resumés overdue
- les résumés - brief summary of each scene - point form is fine, one sentence or point per page should be enough.
- discussion questions - handout from yesterday - oral assessment on Thurs June 6.
- les pronoms d'objet directs & indirect handout package - due - checked and corrected. Answer keys posted at back of classroom and on my blog FIF1D les pronoms d'objets - les réponses
- quiz Mon June 10 - can make and use a reference note
- les devoirs: les pronoms d'objet reference note, Au revoir les enfants - resumés, can prepare for oral exam. Journal/blog. Any other work not yet completed.
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