- 5 minutes: Skim read the article on Le site du jour (linked above).
- third blog post on HWDSB Commons. Suggested topic: Mes activités. Write about some of the activities you like to do "J'aime..." and would like to try - "Je voudrais essayer..."
- Refer to documents in the module "Mon blogue" in The Hub for details and support and in module "le vocabulaire et les expressions". Publish this post by the end of the day Friday.
- Read the posts of your circle of 3-4 friends in the class and comment briefly.
- les chiffres:
- Quizlet: French numbers 1-100 Choose several activities to practice hearing and saying the numbers.
- Create new Bingo card in Notability for numbers from 51 - 100. Consider making more than one card on your page to play 2 at once.
- If done, Duolingo, French Class Lite or FreeRice.com (in French).
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue: troisième entrée - Publish by Oct. 14. Refer to The Hub for details.
- Bingo card in Notability for numbers from 51 - 100
- Make sure your iPad is charged and ready to go every day.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux écouter, lire et écrire.
- 5 minutes: Skim read the article on Le site du jour (linked above).
- DELF compréhension orale - video et questions. Choose one at A1 or A2 level. Sign in to your account or create it using tab at far right called "Inscription" using your school email address. Send results of quizzes to me using my "Code de Professeur" which is "Ms.K-J" (no spaces)
- Third blog post on HWDSB Commons. This week's suggested topic : la longue fin de semaine, l'Action de grâce, les fêtes/les festivals de l'automne.
- Refer to documents in The Hub in the module "Mon blogue" and in module "le vocabulaire et les expressions" for details and support. Publish this post by the end of the day Friday.
- Read the posts of your circle of 3-4 friends in the class and comment briefly.
- La lecture #1: independent or small group reading - formative assessment. Due Oct 13. See The Hub module "Reading: la lecture" for details.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue: troisième entrée - Publish by Oct. 14. Refer to The Hub for details.
- La lecture #1 - see above for details. Due Oct 13.
- French for the Future National Essay Contest - optional
- Make sure your iPad is charged and ready to go every day.

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