le mardi 22 janvier 2019
Le site du jour: Je l'aime à mourir - Francis Cabrel LIVE & Shakira - Je L'aime A Mourir (Live From Paris) & Francis Cabrel - Je l'aime a mourir [Lyrics]
FSF 1P le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous préparons pour les examens.
- Mini-exam: the HUB module "l'examen". Download to Notability and work to prepare for the reading/writing part of the exam. Students should also be creating the draft of their reference sheet for the exam while answering the mini-exam.
- On lit: HUB module "Reading - la Lecture" Download the document "DELF A1 Hachette CE Je m'entraine" to Notability. We will correct ex. 3-6 together. Do activities 11, 13, 21 for tomorrow.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study to prepare for exams. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Duolingo, LyricsTraining
- les examens:
- l'oral - Jan. 17 by 9 pm to Dropbox (See the HUB module "l'examen" for details.)
- l'écoute - Jan. 18 in class
- la lecture/l'écriture - Jan. 25, 9 am
FSF 2D le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et nous parlons et nous lisons.
- Exam preparation: the HUB module "l'examen". written composition topics at this link in Google Drive, then choose your topic and brainstorm your ideas. Step 2 - prepare an outline. Students should also be creating the draft of their reference sheet for the exam.
- On lit: From the HUB module "Reading - la lecture" download the document "Hachette A2 CE Je m'entraine p.41-56" to Notability. Choose one activity to do to prepare for the reading strand of the exam. When done, see the teacher for the corrections.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study to prepare for exams. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
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