- Mini-exam: the HUB module "l'examen". Download to Notability and work to prepare for the reading/writing part of the exam. Students should also be creating the draft of their reference sheet for the exam while answering the mini-exam. Make the good copy of the reference sheet on Thursday to finish studying for the exam.
- On lit: HUB module "Reading - la Lecture" Download the document "DELF A1 Hachette CE Je m'entraine" to Notability. We will correct activities 5, 6, 11, 13 and 21.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study to prepare for exams. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Duolingo, LyricsTraining
- les examens:
- l'oral - Jan. 17 by 9 pm to Dropbox (See the HUB module "l'examen" for details.)
- l'écoute - Jan. 18 in class
- la lecture/l'écriture - Jan. 25, 9 am
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous préparons pour les examens.
- Une reflexion: Comment j'ai amélioré. Watch your first video for this course "Je me présente" then watch your final video "L'examen oral". Write a brief blog post reflecting on your improvement in speaking French.
- Exam preparation: the HUB module "l'examen". NOTE: updated: written composition topics at this link in Google Drive, then choose your topic and brainstorm your ideas. Step 2 - prepare an outline. Students should also be creating the draft of their reference sheet for the exam.
- On lit: From the HUB module "Reading - la lecture" download the document "Hachette A2 CE Je m'entraine p.41-56 to Notability. Choose one activity to do to prepare for the reading strand of the exam. When done, see the teacher for the corrections. Answer key will be posted in the HUB for study purposes after today. (Answers now posted.)
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study to prepare for exams. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- les vacances Flipgrid: https://flipgrid.com/243dd77e
- Duolingo, LyricsTraining, Language Gym, Tex's French Grammar - verb practice
- Un reportage: the HUB module "Le reportage". Dropbox Good copy due Fri. Dec.14
- les examens:
- l'oral - Jan. 17 by 9 pm to Dropbox (See the HUB module "l'examen" for details.)
- l'écoute - Jan. 18 in class
- la lecture/l'écriture - Jan. 29, 9 am
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