Le site du jour: What we can learn from Bradley Cooper speaking French
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de nos projets pour la Relâche de mars.
- On lit: Assessment: HUB module "Reading: la lecture" "Document Informatif - la télé". Download into Notability, complete and submit to Dropbox. When done, do Duolingo or LyricsTraining.
- On écrit: Mon blogue. In HWDSB Commons. Details in the HUB module "Mon blogue".
- Next post: "La relache de mars" - 8 - 10 sentences about your plans for the March Break. Use the sentence starter "Pendant la relâche de mars, je vais...". Start with the HUB vocabulary sheet "Mes activités et mes intérêts" to help - make a copy in Notability then highlight all the activities which you may do next week.
- Build your personal network (mon reseau personnel). Create a circle of 3 - 4 friends and follow each others' blogs. Read the first post of all the friends in your network and make positive comment.
- Customize your blog site - profile photo or create an avatar, choose your theme.
- Pas de devoirs pour la semaine if all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
- Mon introduction (blogue): overdue: le 28 février - Dropbox and published on your own blog.
- LyricsTraining, Duolingo
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de nos projets pour la Relâche de mars et nous planifions un discours.
- On parle: sentences about your plans for the March Break. Use the sentence starter "Pendant la relâche de mars, je vais..." or use le futur simple - review together using the HUB module "la grammaire".
- On écrit: Write a quick blog post (10 phrases au futur simple) in HWDSB Commons "La Relâche de mars".
- Concours Oratoire - Planning and writing. Beginning phrase: “Chers juges, chers parents, chers professeurs et chers amis,” and to state the title of the speech at the beginning.
- Letter to the editor re: iPads.
- Pas de devoirs pour la semaine if all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
- YMCA: Summer Work Exchange
- LyricsTraining, Duolingo, Language Gym, Tex's French Grammar - present indicative, l'imparfait
- Continue working on DELF exam
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de nos projets pour la Relâche de mars.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de nos projets pour la Relâche de mars.
- On lit: HUB module "Reading Activity" Download the document "Hachette A2 CE Je me prepare" to Notability. We will do activités 5 - 10 (to correct together tomorrow).
- On écrit: Mon blogue. In HWDSB Commons. Details in the HUB module "Mon blogue".
- Next post: "La relache de mars" - 8 - 10 sentences about your plans for the March Break. Use the sentence starter "Pendant la relâche de mars, je vais...". Start with the HUB vocabulary sheet "Mes activités et mes intérêts" to help - make a copy in Notability then highlight all the activities which you may do next week.
- Build your personal network (mon reseau personnel). Create a circle of 3 - 4 friends and follow each others' blogs. Read the first post of all the friends in your network and make positive comment.
- Customize your blog site - profile photo or create an avatar, choose your theme.
- Pas de devoirs pour la semaine if all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
- Mon introduction (blogue): overdue: le 28 février - Dropbox and published on your own blog.
- LyricsTraining, Duolingo
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