le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et nous lisons.
- Ma maison, chez moi: (support materials are in the HUB)
- video: Là où je dors - Tobia - S1E22 Watch. Note name, where lives - words that you hear in French - on own, then in small groups.
- Video was due yesterday - Tues June 13 - to the Dropbox.
- On écoute: listening practice: Any of the following activities will help prepare for the listening exam in class tomorrow and with reading for the exam next week.
- FLEvideo A1 or A2 Choose one or 2 videos. Submit results to Code de professeur Ms.K-J
- and/or - Choose a song from Lyrics Training and do that.
- and/or - Choose an activity from today's "site du jour".
- On écoute et on lit: Reading and listening: Do all 4 activities from TV5Monde Le logement Should be working on own.
- optional: Duolingo
- les examens:
- speaking: video due to Dropbox Tues June 13
- listening: Thurs June 15 in class
- reading/writing:
- period 2: Fri June 23
- period 3: Mon June 26
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home study extras
- l'examen oral - Video was due Tues. June 13.
- listening practice: FLEvideo A1 or A2 or TV5Monde or LyricsTraining
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et nous lisons.
- On écoute video: Là où je dors - Tobia - S1E22
- l'examen oral: video due to Dropbox Fri June 16. See the HUB module "l'examen" for details.
- On écoute: listening practice: Any of the following activities will help prepare for the listening exam in class tomorrow and with reading for the exam next week.
- FLEvideo A1 or A2 Choose one or 2 videos. Submit results to Code de professeur Ms.K-J
- and/or - Choose a song from Lyrics Training and do that.
- and/or - Choose an activity from today's "site du jour".
- On lit: reading practice. From the HUB, module "Reading: la lecture", choose one of the articles "La vie privée" which is DELF B1 or "Trois jours dans la vie d'Alice et de Malik", DELF A2. Read at your own pace, on your own or with a partner, and answer the questions. An answer key is posted also so that you can check your work.
- L'infographique: la grammaire - Links are in the HUB module "la grammaire" submodule "l'infographique". Poster in Google Drive shared with bkukhtaj@hwdsb.on.ca. Reflection - details are in Dropbox in the HUB.
- les examens:
- speaking: video due to Dropbox Fri June 16
- listening: Thurs June 15 in class
- reading/writing: Thurs June 22
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- verb practice - The Language Gym
- l'infographique - poster and reflection
- listening practice: FLEvideo A2 or B1 or LyricsTraining or today's "site du jour".
- reading: Tues June 13
- oral exam - due Fri June 16
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