le mercredi 28 novembre 2018
FSF 1P le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment poser et répondre aux questions.
- Review proper language and classroom expectations.
- On lit : Correct “Ma journée typique” as a class.
- On pratique : Qui? Quoi? Où? Quand? Pourquoi? Combien? and Comment? (who, what, where, when, why, how many, and how) and play Quizlet Live to check our understanding. We will review the questions and how to answer in preparation for an oral quiz on friday (see notes in the HUB to practice at home).
- On pratique : Learn vocabulary for “ma journée typique.” Review what we learned and check our understanding. Ma Routine - Le Matin - quiz
- On écrit : HUB module “le vocabulaire et les expressions” under subheading “Ma journée typique chart,” complete a scheduling chart using the new vocabulary. Submit to Dropbox.
pratique : Qui? Quoi? Où? Quand? (Who, what, where, when) through matching the question to the answer. We will learn Pourquoi? Combien? and Comment? (why, how many, and how) and play Quizlet Live to check our understanding.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Duolingo, LyricsTraining
- Ma famille - paragraph - due Nov.9 - Dropbox, blogue - also - conversation. Details: HUB module "le vocabulaire et les expressions" submodule "la famille"
- Mon blogue: Mes buts pour la 2e partie du semestre: 5-6 sentences (the HUB module "mon blogue") Publish in HWDSB Commons blog and also submit it to Dropbox. Due Fri. Nov.23.
FSF 2D le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écrivons un reportage.
- On écoute: the HUB module "Listening" the documents "DELF A2 Didier green" into Notability. Act.11. Assessment.
- Romain, le danseur-claquettiste
- Un débat: Work time. See the HUB module "le debat" for documents.
- les verbes au passé: Review and practice.
- HUB module "la grammaire" submodule "le passé" unit "le passé composé et l'imparfait". Download the PDF document "Imparfait ou passé composé - written practice" to Notability. We will do this together.
- Un reportage:
- la rédaction: un article de 12 - 20 phrases. the HUB module "Le reportage". Dropbox.
- On parle: Flipgrid: Hier soir j'ai.../je suis... Your Flip Code is yhcsmwt and here is a direct link to the Grid: https://flipgrid.com/yhcsmwt
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
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