Sounds like fun for volunteers or just as a great summer celebration.
This was my daily teaching blog where Learning goals, activities done in class, homework and assignments were posted on a daily basis. Since I am no longer teaching in a secondary classroom, the purpose of this blog is to post links to useful websites for language learning and review.
le mercredi 17 juin 2015
Exam information - link
Site of the day: Study tips for French
Site of the day: Study tips for French
See post: Michel Payment - la musique for photos of the words, links to videos and some photos from our special activity.
Westdale courtyard, from room 316 |
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous nous préparons pour l'examen.
- Speaking activity: Watched and described Patrick Kane and Brandon Bollig
- Continued work individually or in groups on outline for choice of topics for written composition of exam - posted in Exam information link above and on handout of exam outline given yesterday.
- Reading: textbook. Suggested pages: 77, 106-7, 113 & 119, 127, 132, 138-9, 158-9. Or, read magazines from classroom.
- les devoirs:
- Exam preparation. Outline for written part of exam. Reading.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous nous préparons pour l'examen.
- written composition of exam - posted in Exam information link above and on handout with exam outline that was given yesterday. Share brainstorming ideas in groups.
- film study: Au revoir les enfants - finished film.
- les devoirs:
- Exam preparation. Review for written part of exam - outline and review le passé. Reading.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le mardi 16 juin 2015
Exam information - link
Site of the day: Practicing intermediate French
Site of the day: Practicing intermediate French
See post: Michel Payment - la musique for photos of the words, links to videos and some photos from our special activity.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous nous préparons pour l'examen.
- Went over choices of topics for written composition of exam - posted in Exam information link above. Gave handout with exam outline. Had time in class to choose topic and start brainstorming individually or in groups.
- Reading: livre La légende du rocher Percé pgs. 74-75. Read together with group or other reading from textbook. Suggested pages: 77, 106-7, 113 & 119, 127, 132, 138-9, 158-9.
- Oral/speaking exam: last week - Submit exam (share on Google Drive), handout and index card plan for the evaluation if not already done.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Exam preparation. Brainstorming ideas for written part of exam.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous nous préparons pour l'examen.
- Went over choices of topics for written composition of exam - posted in Exam information link above. Gave handout with exam outline. For tonight - choose topic and start brainstorming. We will have time in class tomorrow to share ideas in groups.
- Reading/film study: Au revoir les enfants
- Did questions for scenes 6-10 and watched more of film.
- Oral/speaking exam: last week - Submit exam (share on Google Drive), handout and index card plan for the evaluation if not already done.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Exam preparation. Review for written part of exam - choose topic and begin brainstorming.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or FIF journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Notre-Dame de Paris - newspaper article - was due Fri May 8. All parts must be submitted with late explanation note. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le lundi 15 juin 2015
Site of the day: Learn French with music
See post: Michel Payment - la musique for photos of the words, links to videos and some photos from our special activity.
Exam information - link
FSF 1D and FIF 1D
Exam information - link
FSF 1D and FIF 1D
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous montrons notre compréhension orale.
- Listening exam today. Did in class.
- Oral/speaking exam: was Thurs June 11 and Friday in library with iPads using app Explain Everything or video recording. Submit exam (share on Google Drive), handout and index card plan for the evaluation.
- Went over choices of topics for written composition of exam - posted in Exam information link above. Will give handout tomorrow.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Exam preparation. Review for written part of exam.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or FIF journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
- FIF 1D - Notre-Dame de Paris - newspaper article - was due Fri May 8. All parts must be submitted with late explanation note. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Reading/film study: Au revoir les enfants
- Reviewed questions for scenes 1-5 and watched more of film.
le jeudi 11 et vendredi 12 juin 2015
Site of the day: Forming the habit of listening to French
See post: Michel Payment - la musique for photos of the words, links to videos and some photos from our special activity.
Exam information - link Topics for La Production Ecrite part of the exam are now posted.
FSF 1D and FIF 1D
Exam information - link Topics for La Production Ecrite part of the exam are now posted.
FSF 1D and FIF 1D
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de notre semestre.
- Oral/speaking exam: Thurs June 11 and Friday in library with iPads using app Explain Everything or video recording. Students have a choice to do the recording on their own (2 minutes audio) or with a partner (3 - 4 minutes video). Keep the handout in good shape to hand back to the teacher for the evaluation. Hand in your index card plan also.
- Use iPads for exam preparation when done exam. Check links from "site of the day" in previous blog posts or use Duolingo or find practice activities for reading, listening, vocabulary or grammar.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs. and it is highly recommended to do some review over the weekend.
- Listening exam preparation. Do some listening in French this weekend by watching a movie in French, or listening to French music (especially before bed Sunday evening), by checking out some of the "site of the day" on my previous blog posts or by simply reading some French out loud.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or FIF journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
- FIF 1D - Notre-Dame de Paris - newspaper article - was due Fri May 8. All parts must be submitted with late explanation note. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
Le mercredi 10 juin 2015
See post: Michel Payment - la musique for photos of the words, links to videos and some photos from our special activity.
Exam information - link
Exam information - link
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de notre semestre.
- écoute: DELF A2 - act. 14 - 17
- Oral/speaking exam: This Thurs June 11 (and Friday if needed) in library with iPads. Work time today - planning. Should put good copy of outline or concept map on index card tonight. Students have a choice to do the recording on their own (2 minutes audio) or with a partner (3 - 4 minutes video). Keep the handout in good shape - you will be handing it back to the teacher for the evaluation.
- Returned blog evaluations and worked on clearing up access problems.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Speaking exam preparation. Finish plan tonight.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de notre semestre.
- Oral/speaking exam: This Thurs June 11 (and Friday if needed) in library with iPads. Work time today - planning. Should put good copy of outline or concept map on index card tonight. Students have a choice to do the recording on their own (2 minutes audio) or with a partner (3 - 4 minutes video). Keep the handout in good shape - you will be handing it back to the teacher for the evaluation.
- Returned blog evaluations and worked on clearing up access problems.
- Reading/film study: Au revoir les enfants
- Reviewed questions for scenes 1-5 and watched more of film.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Speaking exam preparation. Finish plan tonight.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FIF journal/blog or handout given in February for more details. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Notre-Dame de Paris - newspaper article - was due Fri May 8. All parts must be submitted with late explanation note. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras
le mardi 9 juin 2015
Site of the day: 10 tips to understand spoken French
See post: Michel Payment - la musique for photos of the words, links to videos and some photos from our special activity.
Exam information - link
Exam information - link
- écoute: DELF A2 - act. 12 - 13
- Oral/speaking exam: This Thurs June 11 (and Friday if needed) in library with iPads. Work time today - planning. Should finish draft of outline or concept map tonight to make good copy on index card tomorrow. See concept map photo below to help in planning. Students have a choice to do the recording on their own (2 minutes audio) or with a partner (3 - 4 minutes video). Keep the handout in good shape - you will be handing it back to the teacher for the evaluation.
- Reading: livre La légende du rocher Percé pgs. 74-75. Read together and worked on handout with group.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Speaking exam preparation. Finish draft of plan tonight.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de notre semestre.
- Oral/speaking exam: This Thurs June 11 (and Friday if needed) in library with iPads. Work time today - planning. Should finish draft of outline or concept map tonight to make good copy on index card tomorrow. See concept map photo below to help in planning. Students have a choice to do the recording on their own (2 minutes audio) or with a partner (3 - 4 minutes video). Keep the handout in good shape - you will be handing it back to the teacher for the evaluation.
- Reading/film study: Au revoir les enfants
- Reviewed what read so far (see handout distributed Friday), answered questions for scenes 1-5 in groups.
- les devoirs: Students should be doing 20 minutes or so of home study each evening Mon - Thurs.
- Speaking exam preparation. Finish draft of plan tonight.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FIF journal/blog or handout given in February for more details. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Notre-Dame de Paris - newspaper article - was due Fri May 8. All parts must be submitted with late explanation note. Last day to hand in: Wed. June 17.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras
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