Exam information - link
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous exprimons notre opinion.
- Twitter chat with Etienne's class in London, Ontario. Le sujet du jour #sdj: le transport. Students posted tweets with their opinion on transportation. i.e. l'autobus, le train, marcher, la bicyclette, les vélos SoBi, le "LRT", l'avion ....... to @etienne2 using the hashtag #djdelf and read responses from Etienne himself and other students. Some students may wish to continue written conversations on Twitter in French. Suggestion: Search the hashtag #djdelf on Twitter this weekend for fun and extra reading. You don't need an account to read tweets, just to write.
- Talked briefly about upcoming exams and how to prepare. Written exam will be in 2 parts - reading articles/stories and answering questions and writing a composition using an outline prepared ahead of time. Topic - a holiday or vacation in the past. Possible - other topics and a choice. We will discuss more next week and there will be class time devoted to preparing.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice. See suggestions below.
- Twitter #djdelf
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FSF 1D journal/blog or handout given in February for details. Most students have already handed this in.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment éviter la répétition.
- la lecture - 2 articles and questions - dû demain (was due today but not enough students completed it, so, if done, no homework, if not, you have homework.
- Talked briefly about upcoming exams and how to prepare. Written exam will be in 2 parts - reading articles/stories and answering questions and writing a composition using an outline prepared ahead of time. There will be choices of topics. There will also be a paragraph to fill in blanks using correct form of le passé composé ou l'imparfait. We will discuss more next week and there will be class time devoted to preparing.
- éviter la répétition:
- link for review lesson "y" & "en"
- May wish to find more lessons, videos, notes, practice activities on internet.
- some students still need to complete the panel discussion/conversation about their preferred version of Notre-Dame de Paris and to hand in their newspaper article.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice. See suggestions below.
- blog/journal: Entire blog/journal with paper checklist was due Fri. May 15. See FIF journal/blog or handout given in February for more details.
- Notre-Dame de Paris - newspaper article - was due Fri May 8. All parts must be submitted with late explanation note.
- Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras
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