le but d'apprentissage: Nous écoutons, parlons, lisons et écrivons .
- On écoute: Hachette A2 Je m'entraîne pg.29-30 act.25-28. Assessed.
- FLE video Choose an activity at A2 or B1 level.
- l'examen oral: Brainstorm preparation. See the HUB module "l'examen".
- Mon blogue: Check that you have all 4 articles done and published. Choose your best 2 articles and create a new post "Mes meilleurs articles" with the hyperlinks to those articles. Download the checklist from the HUB module "Mon blogue" to Notability. Complete it and submit to Dropbox.
- la grammaire - le pronom "en" from the HUB module "la grammaire" submodule "les pronoms"
- On lit: Exam preparation - From the HUB module "Reading: la lecture" document "Hachette A2 CE Je m'entraîne" p.41-56 - choose an article a day for exam practice, particularly act.1, 2, 9, 10. Correct your answers with teacher for each activity completed.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - Complete and submit checklist
- l'examen
- l'écoute - le jeudi 14 juin, en classe
- l'oral - le vendredi 15 juin, en classe
- la lecture et l'écrit - le jeudi 21 juin, 9h00, salle 225
Learning goal: We are reacting to ideas in a poem and asking "I wonder..." questions.
- 27 Fun Brainteasers for Kids and Adults
- News article: Blaze destroys home in Binbrook "I wonder" questions
- "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" Article is in the HUB module "Literacy Power Book". Continue with creating a spoof and presenting it creatively. i.e. Pixton, Canva, iMovie Trailer...
- The Giver:
- Assignment: Creating a Perfect World paragraphs.
- See the HUB module for details
- Comparison of the novel and the film: Venn Diagram. Details in the HUB.
- 2nd blog post - The Giver: novel or film?
- Homework: Flipboard
- Newsela (link): Our class code is: 4XBVZJ.
- exam: Friday June 22, 9 am in our classroom 225
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons, parlons, lisons et écrivons.
- On écoute: DELF A1 Hachette CO Je m'entraîne p.29-30, act.38-41.
- FLE video Choose an activity at A2 or A1 level.
- l'examen oral: Recording and sharing with a friend for feedback. See the HUB module "l'examen".
- Mon blogue: Check that you have all 4 articles done and published. Choose your best 2 articles and create a new post "Mes meilleurs articles" with the hyperlinks to those articles. Download the checklist from the HUB module "Mon blogue" to Notability. Complete it and submit to Dropbox.
- le passé composé
- links in the HUB for practice.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - complete final post, submit checklist.
- l'invitation - conversation
- Duolingo or Quizlet
- l'examen
- l'écoute - le jeudi 14 juin, en class
- l'oral - dù (Dropbox) le vendredi 15 juin
- la lecture et l'écrit - le mardi 26 juin, 9h00, salle 225
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