- Progress celebration. Go back to your recording from February. Listen and celebrate the progress you have made.
- Mon blogue: Check that you have all 4 articles done and published. Choose your best 2 articles and create a new post "Mes meilleurs articles" with the hyperlinks to those articles. Download the checklist from the HUB module "Mon blogue" to Notability. Complete it and submit to Dropbox.
- On écrit: Exam preparation - discussion and outline for reference sheet. Details in the HUB module "l'examen".
- On lit: Exam preparation - From the HUB module "Reading: la lecture" document "Hachette A2 CE Je m'entraîne" p.41-56 - choose an article a day for exam practice, particularly act.1, 2, 9, 10. Correct your answers with teacher for each activity completed.
- le film de vendredi film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching: Chocolat.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - Complete and submit checklist
- l'examen
- l'écoute - le jeudi 14 juin, en classe
- l'oral - le vendredi 15 juin, en classe
- la lecture et l'écrit - le jeudi 21 juin, 9h00, salle 225
Learning goal: We are reacting to ideas in a poem and asking "I wonder..." questions.
- 10 Signs You’re Way More Intelligent Than You Realize
- Peer Privacy Protector Project (PPPP) - Section 5.
- Short Story: Living Life to the Max by Penny Williams (p.73-75) - "I wonder" questions
- Presentations: "All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten" Article is in the HUB module "Literacy Power Book". Continue with creating a spoof and presenting it creatively. i.e. Pixton, Canva, iMovie Trailer...
- The Giver:
- Assignment: Creating a Perfect World paragraphs.
- See the HUB module for details
- Comparison of the novel and the film: Venn Diagram. Details in the HUB.
- 2nd blog post - The Giver: novel or film?
- Homework: Flipboard
- Newsela (link): Our class code is: 4XBVZJ.
- exam: Friday June 22, 9 am in our classroom 225
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons, parlons, lisons et écrivons.
- Progress celebration. Go back to your recording from February. Listen and celebrate the progress you have made.
- Mon blogue: Check that you have all 4 articles done and published. Choose your best 2 articles and create a new post "Mes meilleurs articles" with the hyperlinks to those articles. Download the checklist from the HUB module "Mon blogue" to Notability. Complete it and submit to Dropbox.
- On écrit: Exam preparation - discussion and outline for reference sheet. Details in the HUB module "l'examen".
- On lit: Exam preparation - From the HUB module "Reading activity" document "Hachette A1 CE Je m'entraîne" - choose an article a day for exam practice, particularly act. 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10 & 11. Correct your answers with teacher for each activity completed.
- le film de vendredi film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching: Les Triplettes de Belleville.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - complete final post, submit checklist.
- l'examen
- l'écoute - le jeudi 14 juin, en class
- l'oral - dù (Dropbox) le vendredi 15 juin
- la lecture et l'écrit - le mardi 26 juin, 9h00, salle 225
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