le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de notre maison.
- Ma maison, chez moi: (support materials are in the HUB)
- Introduction to unit - vocabulary - PowerPoint period 2 & PowerPoint period 3
- video: Là où je dors - William - s1 e5 Watch. Note name, where lives, words that you hear in French - on own, then in small groups.
- FLE video - la maison de Marine to help prepare for listening assessment tomorrow.
- Quizlet - la maison - vocabulary test next week
- l'invitation
- Evaluation of conversation - invite, refuse, negotiate, accept - with partner. Start and end with salutations (i.e. Salut,Ça va?, Au revoir...). A few minutes to practice, then presentations to the teacher.
- Bingo - 51 à 100 - create card in Notability. See template in the HUB module "le vocabulaire et les expressions" submodule "les numéros".
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écrivons, révisons et lisons nos blogues.
- Nous parlons:Patrick Kane Stickhandling & Brandon Bollig Stickhandling: Operation Rain Drop
- Nous écoutons: video: Là où je dors - William - s1 e5
- FLEvideo A2 Choose one to do - listening assessment tomorrow.
- Mon blogue: Choose best 3 articles from your blogue. Create a new entry titled "Mes meilleurs 3 articles" and create hyperlinks to those 3 articles. Edit those articles using BonPatron and by reading aloud to a partner. Work together with students in your personal network to help each other and to leave positive comments and questions on each others' blog entries. Full blog due Fri May 26. Download and complete checklist from the HUB module "Mon blogue" to submit into the Dropbox to indicate that you are done.
- Bingo 51-100 - see template in the HUB module "le vocabulaire et les expressions".
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- blog - Full blog due Fri May 26.
- verb practice - The Language Gym - le futur simple (Future Indicative)
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