- l'invitation
- Evaluation of conversation - invite, refuse, negotiate, accept - with partner. Start and end with salutations (i.e. Salut,Ça va?, Au revoir...). A few minutes to practice, then presentations to the teacher.
- FLEvideo A1 - choose one or 2 videos that you haven't done yet - watch, answer questions, submit results to Code de Professeur: Ms.K-J
- Bingo - Create new cards for Bingo 51-100 - see template in the HUB module "le vocabulaire et les expressions". Play Bingo 1 à 50 - using cards created in Notability
- Duolingo or FreeRice.com
- le film de vendredi: film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching Bourne Identity & Shrek.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écrivons de la notre avenir.
- Mon blogue: Work on last article. Topic suggested - Mon avenir. Publish post on HWDSB Commons for Fri May 19. Next week we will be choosing top 3 articles and editing them. Full blog due Fri May 26.
- Bingo - Create new cards for Bingo 51-100 - see template in the HUB module "le vocabulaire et les expressions". Play Bingo 1 à 50 - using cards created in Notability
- le film de vendredi: film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching Les Misérables.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
- blog - Should have 5 articles published for Fri May 19. Full blog due Fri May 26.
- verb practice - The Language Gym - le futur simple (Future Indicative)
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