le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons le vocabulaire des emplois.
- Au travail - Jobs and careers
- Remplir un formulaire - the HUB module Au travail - upload file "formulaire 3" to Notability. Lesson on how to fill in a form. Assessment Fri. May 5.
- Practice test of vocabulary using Quizlet - Jobs and Careers. See Dropbox in the HUB, module Au travail. Follow instructions in Dropbox.
- Mots croisés - 20 minutes - handout. May work with a partner. Hand in and continue tomorrow.
- Learning vocabulary using Quizlet - Jobs and Careers. Link is also available in the HUB module "Au travail". Test will be Wed. May 10.
- Duolingo or FreeRice.com
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des avantages d'être bilingue.
- Kahoot - le passé composé
- Pâques en France - video and listening activity. Read questions first, then watch video and answer questions. May watch more than once if wish. Then, check answers with the answer key provided in the document.
- Mon blogue: third post - Possible topics: l'environnement, l'école, l'avenir, Soyez bilingue. Work on draft post on HWDSB Commons.
- Mon enfance - les conversations - assessment
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- blog
- verb practice - The Language Gym
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