le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous faisons une introduction au cours.
- Student information sheet - paper handout. Please complete as best possible writing as much as you can in French. Use Wordreference.com from the website or install the app from the HWDSB catalogue to help you. Do not use Google Translate! Submit to the teacher.
- Classroom norms: We will be doing an activity starting on Monday where we will be deciding the norms/rules for our class (in French). The one classroom rule is: Soyez respecteux (Be respectful). To prepare for this, students can start to brainstorm individually in Notability, as a Mindmap in Mindomo from the HUB or on paper what we will see, hear and do in our classroom that shows respect in the following categories:
- les camerades de classe (classmates)
- le prof (to the teacher)
- la salle de classe (the classroom)
- l'école (in the school)
- la technologie (technology)
- au travail (their work)
- les invites (guests)
- autres choses (anything that doesn't fit into any other category
- Options if time: Duolingo (sign up for an account, install the app from HWDSB catalogue) or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras.
- Watch a film in French or review numbers or do Duolingo to help your brain to remember the French you already know.

Learning goal: We are introducing the course.
- Student information sheet - paper handout. Please complete as best possible writing as much as you can and submit it to the teacher.
- Classroom norms: We will be doing an activity starting on Monday where we will be deciding the norms/rules for our class. The one classroom rule is: Be respectful. To prepare for this, students can start to brainstorm in Notability, as a Mindmap in Mindomo from the HUB or on paper individually about what we will see, hear and do in our classroom that shows respect in the following categories:
- classmates
- to the teacher
- the classroom
- in the school
- technology
- their work
- guests
- other - anything that doesn't fit into any other category
- Start a note on your iPad in Notability or Google Docs or on paper. Use the letters of your name (first for sure, last if possible) to write down as many words as you can think of for each letter. Words must be school-appropriate. You can use the Miriam-Webster dictionary on the iPad to help you think of words. It can be installed as an app through the HWDSB catalogue or accessed as a website. Later, you will be creating a poster using your name as an acronym and you will choose words that describe yourself in some way or which tell something about your life.
- Homework- none assigned for Fridays, but you may wish to think of more classroom norms or more words that start with the letters of your name.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous faisons une introduction au cours.
- Student information sheet - paper handout. Please complete as best possible writing as much as you can in French. Use Wordreference.com from the website or install the app from the HWDSB catalogue to help you. Do not use Google Translate! Submit to the teacher.
- Classroom norms: We will be doing an activity starting on Monday where we will be deciding the norms/rules for our class (in French). The one classroom rule is: Soyez respecteux (Be respectful). To prepare for this, students can start to brainstorm individually in Notability, as a Mindmap in Mindomo from the HUB or on paper what we will see, hear and do in our classroom that shows respect in the following categories:
- les camerades de classe (classmates)
- le prof (to the teacher)
- la salle de classe (the classroom)
- l'école (in the school)
- la technologie (technology)
- au travail (their work)
- les invites (guests)
- autres choses (anything that doesn't fit into any other category
- Options if time: Duolingo (sign up for an account, install the app from HWDSB catalogue) or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras.
- Watch a film in French or review numbers or do Duolingo to help your brain to remember the French you already know.
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