le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons au sujet de l'intelligence multiple.
- les intelligences multiples: Assignment - complete and submit paragraph to Dropbox and publish in your blogue if not already done. Use checklist to ensure you are done, then submit completed checklist to Dropbox.
- Work on the collage, and, when done, add that to your blog post and submit that to Dropbox also.
- Submit your completed checklist to Dropbox (so, 3 documents to Dropbox in total).
- See the HUB module "Mon blogue" - submodule "les intelligences multiples".
- if time, or if need a change of pace:
- Quizlet: la famille Practice. You will be doing a project on Ma famille later in the course.
- Kahoot Challenge (do on own, not a class game) les professions - Kahoot Pin: 047279
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Duolingo, LyricsTraining
- overdue Sept.20: Oral assessment activity "Je me présente/ Mon Introduction/ Parler de moi-même".
- overdue: Mon blogue: In the HUB module "Mon blogue" - first article "Mon Introduction".