
late assignments

Assignments are due at the beginning of the class on the due date.

If not handed in on due date at beginning of class, it will be counted as late and must be submitted with note including:
  • Name of student, title of assignment, date due, date submitted.
  • Reason why assignment is late - written by the student.
  • Acountability: What could you have done so that assignment was submitted on time? - written by the student.
  • Parent/guardian signature - with a comment indicating awareness of why assignment was late.
Here is a link to download the form if not picked up in class: Late Assignment Form

If still not handed in, the student will be expected to come to the classroom at lunch and/or after school to complete the work.  The student can also expect that the teacher will be contacting the parents/guardians.

If not handed in by the time the original assignments have been marked and returned, the student will receive a mark of zero for that assignment and will be given an alternate assignment to demonstrate that curriculum expectation.


  1. Are the " le commencements" still due tomorrow? Because I never got the chance for someone to peer edit my rough copy because of the assembly/exam take up day today. -Sadie Lange

  2. Sadie, Yes, still due Friday, but you can finish it for Mon. Feb 14 with no late penalty. Next time you have a question, it is better to send me an e-mail through First Class. Address is on your course outline. Merci.
