learning goal: We are reading for meaning.

- To Kill a Mockingbird
- Continue with package for literature circles/semi-independent work. Complete vocabulary and discussion questions for chapters 8 - 11 - quiz will be Thurs. Dec. 10. Here is the post with a summary of the class instructions and photos of the answer keys.
- Homework:
- Read or re-read To Kill a Mockingbird chapters 8 - 11 - prepare for quiz tomorrow.
- Bring a book to read quietly in class for any time that you finish your class work early. Read regularly at home.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux écrire.
- la chanson: Golden Baby par Coeur de Pirate Merci Nilani!
- Worked in computer lab 319 today. There are several choices of activities.
- Blog is due this Friday December 11. See this post: Journal/blog FIF 1D or your assignment paper for details. This week's suggested topic: la réflexion - la 10e entrée - Qu'est-ce que j'ai appris pendant les 10 semaines? Est-ce que j'ai accompli mes objectifs de la première entrée?.
- When 10th entry is completed, choose Mes meilleures 3 entrées, identify them by making a new post, then can edit them to improve the level of communication. When all done, complete the checklist to submit along with the rubric.
- Read blog entries from your network of 2 - 3 friends that you follow. Read each other's blog entries each week.
- Other choices:
- Notre-Dame de Paris: good copy own comparison. Must include title and at least 25 points. Choice of format (i.e. Venn Diagram or chart) and also choice of adding comparison with the musical. Good copy due Fri. Dec. 11 but may be submitted on Mon. Dec. 14 if needed. Make it look nice.
- Review les verbes au passé composé et l'imparfait
- check out the "Site of the Day" posts in previous entries of my blog.
- Duolingo , #PARISDIY , Digital Dialects (vocabulary games) or Free Rice trivia game
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in: Home Study extras
- Notre-Dame de Paris - comparison due Fri. Dec. 11. See above for details.
- Optional re-test le passé composé et l'imparfait next week. See Re-test post for procedures.
- blog - this week's suggested topics: la réflexion - la 10e entrée - Qu'est-ce que j'ai appris pendant les 10 semaines? Est-ce que j'ai accompli mes objectifs de la première entrée? When 10th entry is completed, choose Mes meilleures 3 entrées, identify them by making a new post, then can edit them to improve the level of communication. See this post: Journal/blog FIF 1D or your assignment paper for details. When all done, complete the checklist to submit along with the rubric.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment écrire des expériences.
- la chanson: Golden Baby par Coeur de Pirate Merci Nilani!
- Worked in computer lab 319 today. There are several choices of activities.
- Blog is due this Friday December 11. See this post: Journal/blog FSF 1D or your assignment paper for more details. This week's suggested topics: la réflexion - la 10e entrée - Qu'est-ce que j'ai appris pendant les 10 semaines? Est-ce que j'ai accompli mes objectifs de la première entrée?.
- When 10th entry is completed, choose Mes meilleures 3 entrées, identify them by making a new post, then can edit them to improve the level of communication. When all done, complete the checklist to submit along with the rubric.
- Read blog entries from your network of 2 - 3 friends that you follow. Read each other's blog entries each week.
- Other choices:
- Review les verbes au présent
- Duolingo , #PARISDIY , Digital Dialects (vocabulary games) or Free Rice trivia game
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in: Home Study extras
- les verbes au présent: Optional re-test next week. See Re-test post for procedures. Complete corrections of own test for tomorrow for a couple of bonus points. See answer keys below.
- blog - this week's suggested topic: la réflexion - la 10e entrée - Qu'est-ce que j'ai appris pendant les 10 semaines? Est-ce que j'ai accompli mes objectifs de la première entrée? See this post: Journal/blog FSF 1D or your assignment paper for more details.
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