le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des prépositions et articles
- Les Prépositions et Articles:
- French Prepositions of Place - French Today : Use for a note about prepositions of countries, cities, and regions. On the HUB module “Les Directions” submodule “Les Prépositions” under “French Prepositions of Place – French Today”
- FluentU - Les Prépositions : Use for a note about prepositions and irregular cases. On the HUB module “Les Directions” submodule “Les Prépositions” under “FluentU - Prepositions”
- Practiquez!
- Prepositions of Countries, Cities, and Places - Quizlet – Practice the Prépositions de Lieu Worksheet - on the HUB module “Les Directions” submodule “Les Prépostions” under “Prépositions de Lieu Worksheet”
- Prepositions Connect 4:
- Game boards are on the HUB module “Les Directions” submodule “Les Prépostions” under “Connect 4 Game Board”
- With a partner, using the game sheets, play the game Connect 4. The goal is to get 4 squares in a row twice on the same board. Partners take turns making sentences using a place on the left and a subject pronoun on the top using aller and être. If you form the sentence correctly, you get a square, if not, then it is your partner’s turn. (i.e. Je vais en France)
- Rappel:
- FLEvideo: Ma ville, mon amie. Submit a screenshot of your score to the Dropbox under “FLEvideo: Ma ville, mon amie”
- If done, Duolingo or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Listen to French music.
- French on-line games
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des stratégies de succès. Nous lisons des biographies des canadiens.
- On parle: On dessine et on décrit. Using the images of "les formes" and "les prépositions" from the HUB module "le vocabuaire et les expressions" and Notability or Paper 53 on your iPad, draw and image then describe it to your partner for them to draw. Compare how close your drawings are.
- On parle, on écrit: setting goals for the second half of the semester to increase success in French using the following format:
- Qu'est-ce qu'on s'arrête de faire?
- Qu'est-ce qu'on commence à faire?
- Qu'est-ce qu'on continue à faire?
- Use your point form notes from Thursday in Notability or in HWDSB Commons. Write 2 points for each question. Talk in small groups and make this into a short blog post (5 sentences or so). Don't forget to add a title, an introduction and a conclusion/ending.
- On lit: Une Biographie d'un canadien using L'encyclopedie canadienne Details are in the HUB module "Reading: La lecture". Check in for progress. Submit to Dropbox when done.
- le passé - time to correct tests together for bonus marks.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Listen to French music.
- next blog article: Mes buts et mes projets pour ce semestre. Publish good copy by Nov 30.
- Une biographie d'un Canadien - due to Dropbox Nov 30.
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