le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de demander des directions
- Les Questions
- LawlessFrench: Les Questions: Use for a note about question words. Read through as a class.
- FluentU: Asking for Directions: Use for a note on how to ask for directions. Read through as a class.
- Use resources from the HUB module "Les Directions" submodule "les questions"
- On écoute: FLEvideo: Ma ville, mon amie Do on own. Read questions. Listen/watch entire video, then answer questions. Repeat video as often as needed. Check results and submit to Dropbox under “FLEvideo: Ma ville, mon amie”
- Practice Vocabulary
- Attention
- Quizlet test on Thursday, November 23
- To practice use: Quizlet - Les endroits. Link is also in the HUB module “Les Directions” submodule “les endroits – vocabulaire”
- If done, Duolingo or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Listen to French music.
- French on-line games
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des avantages d'être bilingue.
- On lit: Une Biographie d'un canadien using L'encyclopedie canadienne Details are in the HUB module "Reading - La lecture" Today - just browse through "Personnes" on the site and choose your person. Write your choice in this Google Doc.
- Blog - HWDSB Commons - read the blog posts of your network of friends and make simple, insightful comments - en français, bien sûr.
- third blog article: Soyez bilingue. 10 - 12 sentences about the importance of being bilingual. Link it to your personal goals. Use the writing process - so - now editing your draft post using tools such as BonPatron & Bescherelle- Conjugueur or WordReference to help. Have a friend read your work and make corrections & suggestions. Publish good copy by Nov 23. There will be some work time in tomorrow's class.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Listen to French music.
- next blog article: Soyez bilingue. Publish good copy by Nov 23.
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