Le site du jour: Le Louvre - - time to explore a bit
Hamilton Model City Hall conference
le but d'apprentissage: Nous parlons de la musique.
- la chanson de lundi: Juliette Katz- Tout le Monde
- Lyrics for the chorus are in the HUB. Highlighting verbs in the lyrics and getting exposed to the subjonctif
- le subjonctif: introduction: what is the subjunctive and how to form it - Lesson + Exercises - in the HUB
- Introduce Assignment (Le livret pour les nuls- Exemplars)
- Set students up for Tuesday’s independent works
- if time: Reading: Les origines du chocolat. See details in the HUB module “Reading: la lecture” or work on presentation "La musique".
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - l'âge de voter
- Ma présentation d'une chanson: See the HUB module "les chansons" submodule "Discovering New Music".
Learning goal: We are reading a novel.
- The Giver:
- Review of chapter 19
- read chapters 20 and do quiz in the HUB submodule "Reading Chapters"
- class discussion - What are some of the significant or interesting events in these chapters? Questions? Connections? Predictions?
- if time:
- QuizUp - sign in or install the app and sign up. Try some of the quizzes with a partner in class.
- Newsela: https://newsela.com/quickjoin/#/4XBVZJ Our class code is: 4XBVZJ Log in. Choose an article you haven't done yet - read and answer the questions.
- Homework: Flipboard
- Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind.
- Newsela: Should have completed at least 4 articles.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et lisons.
- La chanson de lundi: Stromae - Papaoutai & Stromae - Carmen and LyricsTraining - Papaoutai or LyricsTraining - Carmen
- On écoute: From the HUB module "Listening activities", "DELF A1 Hachette CO Je me prépare". Today, we will do pg. 13, act. 13-16 for assessment.
- On lit: From the HUB module "Reading Activity", "DELF A1 Hachette CE Je me prépare". Today we will correct pg.35, act. 7-8 together.
- La Grande Course Postale Canadienne: read letter together and explain. Start outline for own letter in Notability. The original letter is in the HUB.
- If time - review les verbes - present indicative in Language Gym
- Options: Duolingo or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games or Language Gym
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - 2e article - les fêtes or la musique or les sports. Complete and publish.
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