le but d'apprentissage: Nous parlons des probabilités et possibilités et comment les exprimer d’une nouvelle manière.
- Speaking French With Marion Cotillard & Stephen Colbert
- le subjonctif
- Comment l'éviter. Speaking activity.
- Le livret pour les nuls:
- Exemplars and outline for the assignment are on the Hub.
- Check in and work time for own version of the livret. Due tomorrow.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Self-evaluation rubric for speaking - le débat - Put into Dropbox.
- Mon blogue - l'âge de voter
- Ma présentation d'une chanson: See the HUB module "les chansons" submodule "Discovering New Music".
- National Ambassador Youth Forum (NAYF)
Learning goal: We are comparing a novel and the film adaptation.
- The Giver:
- Watching the film. Discussion and Venn Diagram - similarities and differences with the novel and the film.
- class discussion and make own notes in Notability or Google Drive - What are some of the significant or interesting events in this chapter? Questions? Connections? Predictions? In the book?
- Newspaper: The Hamilton Spectator - trivia contest - starting soon. Check out today's paper: TheSpec (link) Log in with my school email bkukhtaj@hwdsb.on.ca and the password is on the board.
- Homework: Flipboard
- Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind.
- Newsela (link): Our class code is: 4XBVZJ. Should have submitted at least 4 articles to the Dropbox.
- On lit: Reading assessment. From the HUB, module "Reading Activity" do the assignment "Projets d'été".
- On écoute et on lit: TV5monde: Vocabulaire : les impressions de voyage
- La Grande Course Postale Canadienne: Submit good copy (typed) in the HUB, then do handwritten copy. Search for a secondary school somewhere in Canada to send your letter.
- If time - review les verbes - present indicative in Language Gym
- Options: Duolingo or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games or Language Gym or LyricsTraining.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Finish and edit letter. Due to Dropbox tonight.
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