le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment parler d’un experience au passé.
- speaking: Comment ça va? (See The Hub - vocabulaire et expressions - 10 ways to say How are you.)
- speaking: Je vous présente mon ami/amie.
- Strategies for Listening - then, listening assessment #1.
- seventh blog post on HWDSB Commons. Suggested topic: What did you do on ‘Take your kids to work day’?
- Speaking activity to prepare - Qu'est-ce que tu as fait le mercredi 2 novembre? Blackboard notes. Brainstorming and sharing.
- Refer to documents in the modules "Mon blogue" and "le vocabulaire et les expressions" in The Hub for details and support. Publish by the end of the day Friday.
- Read the posts of your circle of 3-4 friends in the class and comment briefly.
- FLE video: compréhension orale - video et questions. Choose one at A1 level. Sign in to your account and send results of quizzes to me using "Code de Professeur" which is "Ms.K-J" (no spaces). Listening assessment Thurs Nov 10.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Mon blogue: septième entrée - Publish by Nov 11. We will be working on the theme tomorrow.
- Listening assessment Nov 10.
- Reading assessment Nov. 9.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des avantages d'être bilangue.
- Listening assessment - a few minutes to review numbers 1 - 100 before assessment.
- Auto-évaluation - les habilités d'apprentissage et les habitudes de travail - on The Hub
- Soyez bilangue
- video & discussion The Anglais French Show
- Don’t Read This Article Si T’es Pas Bilingue
- making own video (PSA - Public Service Announcement) - discussion, success criteria - Mindomo, form groups, time to start planning.
- septième entrée du blogue HWDSB Commons. Suggested topic: Soyez bilangue
- Refer to documents in the module "Mon blogue" and "le vocabulaire et les expressions" in The Hub for details and support. Publish this post by the end of the day Friday.
- Read the posts of your circle of 3-4 friends in the class and comment briefly.
- FLE video: compréhension orale - video et questions. Choose one at A2 level. Sign in to your account and send results of quizzes using "Code de Professeur" "Ms.K-J" (no spaces). Listening assessment Tues. Nov. 8 and Thurs. Nov. 10 at A2 level.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Reading assessment tomorrow.
- Listening assessment Nov.10.
- Mon blogue: septième entrée - Publish by Nov 11.
- Speaking assessment this week - mon enfance.
- French for the Future National Essay Contest - optional
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