le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Pratiquez la prononciation de votre script pour “Au Travail”
- filming scenes for skit presentation of "Au travail". Presentation will be on Thurs Nov 24.
- When done filming, watch your video and use rubric in the Dropbox for "Au Travail" in The Hub in Module "Au Travail" to do a self-assessment. Put it in Notability and use 2 colours - one for yourself and one for your group as a whole. Submit to Dropbox.
- blog HWDSB Commons - no need to post a new article this week. Use this week to get caught up if don't already have 8 articles published (not just in drafts). If you do already have 8, start re-reading and editing them. If you really wish, you can start on a ninth article - neuvième article Suggested topic: Les choses qui me rendent heureux/heureuse
- Start editing blog posts - try using Bon Patron to help you with the editing.
- Don't forget to publish your blogs in complete sentences.
- You should have 8 of 10 blog posts completed at this point.
- Refer to documents in the modules "Mon blogue" and "le vocabulaire et les expressions" in The Hub for details and support. Publish by the end of the day Friday.
- Read the posts of your circle of 3-4 friends in the class and comment briefly.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Present “Au Travail” Nov 24 (video)
- Mon blogue: - at least 8 posted - optional - neuvième entrée - Publish by Nov 25.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des avantages d'être bilingue.
- Speaking activity: Avez-Vous Déjà Vu ..? Un Eléphant Avec un Nez & Des Maisons qui jouent à Qui Crache le Plus Loin
- Soyez bilingue
- , Practicing and filming. Presentations - new date - Tues Nov 29.
- Practice verbs in the conditional (i.e. would happen, could, should) and the future (i.e. will happen) using Language Gym (there are many different games available in 3 different sections - try more than one - or other sites and use Bescherelle.com or another verb conjugation site to help you write for your video.
- neuvième article du blogue HWDSB Commons. Suggested topics: la neige, les choses qui me rendent heureux/heureuse, moi en 5 ans, les médias sociaux
- Refer to documents in the module "Mon blogue" and "le vocabulaire et les expressions" in The Hub for details and support. Publish this post by the end of the day Friday.
- Read the posts of your circle of 3-4 friends in the class and comment briefly.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Soyez bilingue - video presentations Tues Nov 29.
- Mon blogue: neuvième entrée - Publish by Nov 25.
- French for the Future National Essay Contest - optional
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