le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons de l’impératif.
- L’impératif
- L'impératif - Quizlet – Practice the imperative using Quizlet
- Imperative - Lawless French – Use for a note on the imperative. On the HUB module “Les Directions” submodule “Imperative” under “Imperative – Lawless French”
- Imperative Examples – As a class, we will conjugate different commands into the imperative. These examples will be used for Simon Dit.
- Simon Dit – As a class we will play Simon Says. Choose one of the examples provided on the screen to use for Simon Says. As a class, form a big circle. To play, each person will say their command with either Simon dit or not and the rest of the class is to follow the command.
- Slogans – With a partner, create one slogan using the imperative. Before starting the good copy, show Mme. Buckle your slogan. After the slogan is approved, create a poster with the slogan. For vocabulary help, refer to Wordreference.com. You will show the class your slogan once everyone is finished.
- Rappel:
- Les Paroles – Suivez mes directions
- Des Ricochets - Kids United (LyricsTraining) : Submit a screenshot of your score to the Dropbox under “Des Ricochets – Kids United LyricsTraining
- FLEvideo: Ma ville, mon amie. Submit a screenshot of your score to the Dropbox under “FLEvideo: Ma ville, mon amie”
- If done, Duolingo or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Listen to French music.
- French on-line games
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des différences et des similitudes.
- On parle: Headbanz
- On écoute: TV5Monde A2 C'était étonnant ! Practice activity. Listening assessment Dec 8.
- On parle et on écrit: fifth blog post Une Biographie d'un canadien Stage 3 of writing process - Use outline to write your draft. Structure - introduction, development, ending/conclusion. 10 - 12 points in total. Conjugate the verb you will use for each sentence. Start adding details and/or combining sentences. Publish by Dec 8.
- Pourquoi as-tu choisi cette personne pour ta Biographie d'un Canadien?
- Quels sont les différences et les similitudes avec ta vie?
- Qu'est-ce que tu as appris?
- Quelles sont les connections avec ta vie?
- etc.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- Listen to French music.
- fifth blog post - Publish Dec. 8. Follow writing process.
- Une biographie d'un Canadien - due to Dropbox Nov 30. See the HUB for details.
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