le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment comprendre ce qu'on a lu.
- Cyrano de Bergerac
- Acte II scenes 7-11. Activities, handout and questions then quiz .
- Presentations continue - Acte III scenes 1 - 6 on Wed. Oct. 29.
- les devoirs:
- Cyrano - read Acte III scenes 1-6 before presentation tomorrow. Prepare for own presentations.
- journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topics: l'élection, l'Halloween, Ottawa ou - votre choix. Students should have at least 6 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment eviter la repetition.

- Take our kids to work day is next week - Wed. Nov. 5. Students in grade 9 have received information and forms. These forms should be returned to their homeroom period 1 teacher. There will not be a lesson in this class that day. There will be independent work provided for any students who are at school instead of at a workplace.
- Notre Dame de Paris - read and listened to a recording of chapter 9.
- completed and corrected questions ex. 1, 2 & 3.
- introduced la tâche finale.
- les pronoms d'objet direct - lesson, note, examples, handout
- les devoirs:
- Notre Dame de Paris - re-read ch.9 if haven't already done so.
- Finish pronoun handout if not already done.
- journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topics: l'élection, l'Halloween, Ottawa ou - votre choix. Students should have at least 6 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux parler des evenements et des emotions.
- group speaking - brainstorming vocabulary for talking/writing about events in Ottawa and Hamilton this past week. See photos below.
- Watched several videos of La meilleure classe de francais d'Ontario and decided as a class to participate in this year's contest. There will be a core group who will plan and direct the video and most (all) students in the class will be in the video. We will be using class time to plan and film it. Please see Ms. K-J if you would still like to be a part of the planning group.
- Les cercles littéraires - Literature circles - group session.
- worked on reading or summary presentations. Oral presentation will include:
- Identify the book - author, short summary (8 - 10 sentences), characters, setting.
- Each member of the group will address - liked/didn't like the book and why, and connections to their own life. They will also submit this part in written form - an informal written piece, not a formal essay.
- les devoirs:
- journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topics: l'élection, l'Halloween, Ottawa ou - votre choix. Students should have at least 6 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.
- home study extras
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