Aller en Belgique ? Non, merci !

le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous faisons des introductions.
- la question du jour: Quel est ton film préféré?
- Nous parlons - speaking activity - les cartes - les numéros de téléphone
- Nous écoutons - FLE video. Choose one or both: Au marché and/or la famille - for practice. Listening assessment tomorrow.
- les introductions - speaking assessment - introducing a friend. - for students absent yesterday or Monday.
- Complete all work from last week - Projets d'été, les adjectifs, puzzles (2 pages) and Aventure en Afrique.
- Duolingo or
- les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- oral assessment activity "Je me présente/ Mon Introduction/ Parler de moi-même"
- See post on this blog from March 22 for more details.
- past due
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons des stratégies de lecture.
- 2017 National Ambassador Youth Forum
- Nous parlons - speaking activity with cards (Take your partner) - Comparons l'horaire de l'école.
- Reading - l'article "Les origines du chocolat" Put in Notability from the HUB, module "Reading - la lecture"
- 3 colours of highlighter - words like English, words you know, important words to look up - then - look up those words and make notes on document
- read article, summarize paragraphs and answer questions. Use strategy posters on bulletin board to help.
- may work on own or in small group. We will continue working all week.
- Verb practice: Conjuguemos & The Language Gym & Bescherelle - Quiz pour tous Try all 3 sites to see which you prefer. Spend some time regularly with at least one of the sites to improve your use of verbs.
- blog in HWDSB Commons. Complete and publish first post.
- les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
- oral assessment activity "Je me présente/ Mon Introduction/ Parler de moi-même"
- See post on this blog from March 22 for more details.
- past due
- work on blog
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