Site of the day: Duolingo
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment décrire
un petit vidéo.
- Gave course outlines and went over together. Read with your parents/guardians and keep in your binder. If you need a binder, ask. Organize your binder with 4 dividers. See course outline for labels for sections. Use cell phone agenda or buy a paper agenda to help you stay organized for your classes. Good learning skills contribute to better work (and higher marks).
- Reminder about oral assessment activity "Mon Introduction/Parler de moi-même" where students introduced themselves by speaking using the iPads or their own device yesterday. This must be completed and submitted over the weekend if not already done. See Ms.K-J if that will be a problem and we will find time and an iPad to use next week. Follow instructions on handout with the rubric. See yesterday's blog post for more details if needed.
speaking activity: short video descriptions: Avez-vous déjà vu ? La chasse au bonzhommesde neige & Grodzilla à la neige.
- DVD: FSF 1D: Les vacances de M.Bean
FIF 1D: Astérix et Obélix, Mission Cléopatre
- les devoirs:
- Must complete oral assessment recording "Mon introduction" and email the link to Ms.K-J if not completed in class. Please send that as soon as possible.
- Spend 15 - 20 minutes on French. Use Duolingo or suggestions in this post: Home Study extras
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