
le jeudi 17 mai 2018

Le site du jour: Téléfrancais! - Episode 3
Image result for hamilton ontarioFSF 3U
le but d'apprentissage: Nous parlons, écoutons et lisons.
  • On parle: Ce que j'ai fait pendant les vacances. (cards)
  • On écoute: Hachette A2 Je m'entraîne pg.20-21 act.3-5. Upload from the HUB module "Activités d'écoute" to Notability.
  • Review le subjonctif: Links on the HUB
    • Kahoot! le subjonctif
    • Practice speaking then record your second version using Explain Everything or HT recording for iPad.  Put in Dropbox in the HUB module "le subjonctif". 
  • les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
      • Mon blogue - Mes buts pour finir le semestre - 2 versions in one post and recording.
      • la musique: Ma présentation d'une chanson: See the HUB module "les chansons" submodule "Discovering New Music".
    ENG 1L
    Learning goal: We are reacting to ideas in a novel.
    • Kahoot! Commonly Misspelled Words
    • The Giver: 
      • Assignment: Creating a Perfect World. Writing paragraphs today. 
        • Concluding sentence creation together -link in Google Docs. Choose one sentence and modify.
        • Finish writing your best 3 categories of the 6 you completed from the handout chart from the HUB module "The Giver" document in the Dropbox "Creating a Perfect World". Write a topic sentence for each of those 3 categories then write your 3 points. 
        • Edit - read out loud with a friend - and make it into a good copy. Submit to Dropbox.
        • Due: Dropbox - Comparison of the novel and the film: Venn Diagram. Details in the HUB. 
        • 2nd blog post - The Giver: novel or film? Write and publish this short article. Include: opening sentence, state your preference, give 3 reasons, closing sentence. 
      • Homework: Flipboard  
        • Image result for hamilton ontario
        • Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind. 
        • Newsela (link):  Our class code is4XBVZJ
            FSF 1D
            le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons et écrivons.
            • On parle: Ce que j'ai fait pendant les vacances (les cartes).
            • l'invitation - conversation 
              • see details in the HUB module. Spontaneous conversation using personal calendar of a typical week. Starting assessments today. 
            • le passé composé - lesson review - les verbes avec "être" - la maison d'être 
              • avoir et les verbes réguliers - review & practice using Quizlet: le passé composé - avoir et les verbes irréguliers
              • blog post: Speak up Day! Ce que j'ai fait. HWDSB Commons, a draft post - conjugate the verbs into passé composé then complete the sentences. Next, edit using BonPatron and by reading it together with a friend. Aim to publish tomorrow.  
            • les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
                • Mon blogue - draft article: Speak Up! Day 
                • LyricsTraining - Zaz - choose any song

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