le but d'apprentissage: Nous lisons et nous écrivons des possibilités.
- la chanson de lundi: Zaz à Montmartre : Les passants & ZAZ - Les Passants (Lyrics + Translation)
- suggestion: Look for more songs by Zaz on LyricsTraining. Choose one to do in class or at home.
- On lit: From the HUB module "Reading: la lecture" document "Hachette A2 CE Je me prepare p.32-40". Correct together pg.38 act. 16-17 using text documents on pgs.32-34.
- Review le subjonctif: Links on the HUB
- Practice speaking then record your second version using Explain Everything or HT recording for iPad. Put in Dropbox in the HUB module "le subjonctif".