
le lundi 14 mai 2018

Le site du jour: How do we know languages are related? A linguist explains. (Facebook video)
Image result for oceanFSF 3U
le but d'apprentissage: Nous lisons et nous écrivons des possibilités.
  • la chanson de lundi:  Zaz à Montmartre : Les passants & ZAZ - Les Passants (Lyrics + Translation)
    • suggestion: Look for more songs by Zaz on LyricsTraining. Choose one to do in class or at home.
  • On lit: From the HUB module "Reading: la lecture" document "Hachette A2 CE Je me prepare p.32-40".  Correct together pg.38 act. 16-17 using text documents on pgs.32-34.  
      • Le livret pour les nuls
         - iMovie trailer (Dropbox) Watching today. 
      • Review le subjonctif: Links on the HUB
        • Practice speaking then record your second version using Explain Everything or HT recording for iPad.  Put in Dropbox in the HUB module "le subjonctif". 
      • les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
          • Mon blogue - Mes buts pour finir le semestre - 2 versions in one post and recording.
          • la musique: Ma présentation d'une chanson: See the HUB module "les chansons" submodule "Discovering New Music".
        ENG 1L
        Learning goal: We are reacting to ideas in a novel.
        • NewspaperThe Hamilton Spectator - trivia contest - today! Check out today's paper: TheSpec (link) Log in with my school email bkukhtaj@hwdsb.on.ca and the password is on the board. Follow the instructions on the poster at the front or back of the classroom. 
        • The Giver: 
          • The Giver - Quizlet review - Quizlet Live. This is also linked in the HUB.
          • Assignment: Creating a Perfect World. Use the handout from the HUB module "The Giver" submodule "Pre-reading activities". Download the handout (3 pages) into Notability and begin to fill in ideas. You may work in a small group but each person must complete their own chart.
          • Due: Dropbox - Comparison of the novel and the film: Venn Diagram Details in the HUB
          • 2nd blog post - The Giver: novel or film? Write and publish this short article. Include: opening sentence, state your preference, give 3 reasons, closing sentence. 
          • Kahoot Challenge: The Giver Code: 0192659  Available until May 15 at noon.
        • Homework: Flipboard  
          • Image result for ocean
          • Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind. 
          • Newsela (link):  Our class code is4XBVZJ
              FSF 1D
              le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons et lisons et écrivons.
              • la chanson de lundi:  Zaz à Montmartre : Les passants & ZAZ - Les Passants (Lyrics + Translation)
                • suggestion: Look for more songs by Zaz on LyricsTraining. Choose one to do in class or at home.
              • On lit: from the HUB module "Reading Activity" document "DELF A1 Hachette CE Je me prepare". Do pgs.38-40 act.13-16. Correct together. 
              • l'invitation - conversation - see details in the HUB module. Review vocabulary/expressions resource document to prepare for spontaneous conversation this week. Use personal calendar of a typical week. Starting assessments today. 
              • le passé composé - avoir et les verbes réguliers - review & practice using 
              • les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
                  • Publish blog article: Mes buts pour finir le semestre.  
                  • Make a typical week calendar with activities.
                  • LyricsTraining - Zaz - choose any song

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