le but d'apprentissage: Nous parlons, écoutons et lisons.
- la grammaire - review pronouns done Thursday (the HUB module "la grammaire" submodule "les pronoms"). Can also search for other on-line tools to practice.
- le subjonctif: Links on the HUB
- Record blog article using Explain Everything or HT recording for iPad. Put in Dropbox in the HUB module "le subjonctif".
- Kahoot Challenges: Le subjonctif (20 questions) PIN: 0128261
- Le subjonctif (10 questions) PIN: 0505678
- le film de vendredi film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching: Chocolat.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
- Mon blogue - Mes buts pour finir le semestre - 2 versions in one post and recording.
Learning goal: We are reacting to ideas in a novel and learning about English language structures.
- Quizlet - English grammar terms - 10 - 15 minutes - Practice to prepare for Quizlet Live Monday.
- Kahoot challenge - English Verb tense - PIN -0911170 open until June 2
- The Giver: Finish all assignments not already done.
- Assignment: Creating a Perfect World. Finishing paragraphs.
- See the HUB module for details
- Edit - read out loud with a friend - and make it into a good copy. Submit to Dropbox.
- Due: Dropbox - Comparison of the novel and the film: Venn Diagram. Details in the HUB.
- 2nd blog post - The Giver: novel or film? Write and publish this short article. Include: opening sentence, state your preference, give 3 reasons, closing sentence.
- If done The Giver - Newsela (link): Our class code is: 4XBVZJ. - screen shot results with title and submit to Dropbox for extra credit.
- or - continue with Kahoot Challenge or Quizlet (linked above)
- Homework: Flipboard
- Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind.
- Newsela
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons et écrivons des événements au passé.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons et écrivons des événements au passé.
- On lit: from the HUB module "Reading Activity" document "DELF A1 Hachette CE Je m'entraine". This is a continuation of a reading document already started and should be the second document in the HUB module. It should already be in Notability. Do pgs.43-44 act.5-7. Students may work on own or in small groups. We will correct it on Mon. May 28.
- le passé composé
- Use Quizlets posted in the HUB module "la grammaire" submodule "le passé composé" to practice.
- blog post: Speak up Day! Ce que j'ai fait. HWDSB Commons. Complete and publish if not already done.
- les verbes avec "être" - la maison d'être - Make own note.
- le film de vendredi film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching: Les Vacances de Petit Nicholas.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
- Reading: pgs.43-44 act.5-7 if not completed in class.
- Mon blogue - publish article: Speak Up! Day
- Duolingo or Quizlet
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