le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux lire.
- Cyrano de Bergerac
- Presentation and activities for Acte IV sc.1 - 5 finished today. Quiz Wed Nov 12.
- Acte IV sc. 6 - 10 presentation & activities - Wed. Nov. 12, quiz Thurs Nov. 13.
- Acte V presentation and activities - Thurs Nov. 13, quiz Fri Nov 14.
- les devoirs:
- Cyrano - re-read Acte IV sc.1 - 5 to prepare for quiz Wednesday.
- Prepare for own presentations.
- journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topic: le Jour de Souvenir ou - votre choix. Students should have at least 8 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.
- Remembrance Day assembly today. Then watched Si peu de temps
- Notre Dame de Paris - la tâche finale. Time to work in class - brouillon was dû le 6 novembre, good copy with all parts due Thurs Nov 13. Make sure you use "save as" for your brouillon so you will be able to print it to hand it in with the final copy. We will be asking you to hand in all stages of your project so that we can assess your thinking process.
- editing of le brouillon - use reading aloud with partner, BonPatron, Wordreference, and dictionnaire.tv5 to help with editing.
- éviter la répétition: les pronoms d'objet direct & indirect & order of pronouns - There will be a test on object pronouns in 2 weeks. Use links in Ms.K-J le jeudi 6 novembre to help to practice and learn pronoun objects.
- Les devoirs:
- Notre Dame de Paris - character/place profile - Written due Nov. 13, presentation Nov. 18.
- journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topic: le Jour de Souvenir ou - votre choix. Students should have at least 8 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.
- home study extras
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment se souvenir.
- Remembrance Day assembly
- les devoirs:
- journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topics: le Jour de Souvenir ou - votre choix. Students should have at least 8 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.
- home study extras
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