Site of the day: 20 Common French False Friends to Watch Out For
learning goal: We are learning how to understand Shakespeare.

le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des activités à Westdale.

- Self assessment: Learning Skills and Work Habits
- Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet
- Opportunity to go to Toronto on Mon. Nov. 16 to see Romeo and Juliet. See Ms.K-J for details and forms.
- Groups continued preparing the Act assigned to them to present the most important events to the class Thurs. Nov. 12. Groups are preparing the presentation by writing a script, which is due tomorrow. Consider setting up Google Docs using your school Google account for writing the script. Today, just checked in with each other to see what needs to be done to be ready for Monday.
- Students are encouraged to do some research on background, analysis and synopsis of the play to better understand the Act that has been assigned to their group. There is class time every day, but should also be spending some time at home.
- DVD: Romeo & Juliet - Zefferelli
- No homework if all caught up for the work this week.
- Could do research on Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet to help with adaptation of Act. Be ready for finishing script on Monday.
- Comparative Essay - Overdue
- Bring a book to read quietly in class for any time that you finish your class work early. Read regularly at home.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux lire et écouter.
- Self assessment: Learning Skills and Work Habits
- Played Kahoot: Le Passé Composé: Irregular Past Participles
- Notre-Dame de Paris - checked and correcte chapter 8, Ex. 1. See photo for answers.
- DVD La panthère rose
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice. See suggestions below.
- Home Study extras
- blog - this week's suggested topic: L'Halloween: ce que j'ai fait See this post: Journal/blog FIF 1D or your assignment paper for details.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous parlons des activités à Westdale.
- Self assessment: Learning Skills and Work Habits
- In groups, brainstorming "Les activités à Westdale". Making a rough copy of a mind map - see starter in photo below. Monday, will create a poster. There are markers, coloured paper etc. here at school, butt students may choose to add materials from home also.
- DVD La panthère rose
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice. See suggestions below.
- blog - this week's suggested topic: L'Halloween: ce que j'ai fait. See this post: Journal/blog FSF 1D or your assignment paper for more details.
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