le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux comprendre Cyrano de Bergerac.
- Watched Malajube Montréal -40 C as a listening activity and discussed.
- Checked vocab puzzles for un tirage.
- Cyrano de Bergerac: In groups, wrote "une confession d'amour" from Cyrano to Roxane using le passé - composé, l'imparfait, le plus-que-parfait, then read aloud and voted on the best. Prize winners:
- Jeopardy game - review of le passé.
- les devoirs: Re-read Cyrano Acte I. Puzzles - un petit tirage demain - un billet pour chaque casse-tête complété.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment parler des événements au passé.
- le passé composé:
- Submitted written application (if not already in)- 5 sentences minimum, at least 2 in negative, use both avoir & être verbs, add details (i.e. adjectives, adverbs, etc), include name, date, title, double-spaced. Today was last chance.
- handout package - checked and corrected - due yesterday. If not done for today, finish as soon as possible and show teacher. Answers posted at the back of the room and in separate blog posting (FSF/FIF le passé composé answer keys). Test will next week - Friday. Start making a note or "cheat sheet" to help you consolidate this language structure.
- écoute - des descriptions des monstres - Finished handout in groups - vocabulary development.
- la définition d'un monstre: Watched a variety of monster movie trailers then worked in groups "Qu'est-ce que c'est qu'un monstre?" Un monstre est... Un monstre n'est pas...
- les devoirs:
- Review le passé composé. Work on handout package and written sentences "Ma journée pédagogique" if not already completed
- Start making your own monster. Lots of possibilities - be creative. Due Wed. May 8.
- Think more about definition of a monster.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons le contexte du film/livre Au revoir les enfants.
- le passé composé
- If not already done, handed in written application - 10 sentences minimum, at least 2 in negative, use both avoir & être verbs, variety of subjects, add details (i.e. adjectives, adverbs, etc), include name, date, title, double-spaced. Last chance today.
- Notre Dame de Paris: Une comparaison entre le livre Notre Dame de Paris de Hugo et le film animé de Disney - une diagramme Venn - groups, then did own summary with at least 10 points in each of the 3 categories. Due today. See photos of group work in yesterday's post for help in creating own summary.
- If not already checked - complete handout package - "So you think you have problems ex A, B, C, D." Check and correct from answer keys at back of room and separate blog posting. Was due yesterday. If not done, finish (checked and corrected) and show teacher.
- Au revoir les enfants: introduction - watched 2 movie trailers and the first 2 scenes of the film, checked Google Maps for location of the school - Fontainbleu, France, discussed and wrote summary notes on board and in own notebooks (start a section of binder for this book), distributed books, read back cover - introduction/explanation by Louis Malle.
- les devoirs: Une comparaison entre le livre Notre Dame de Paris de Hugo et le film animé de Disney - une diagramme Venn - bonne copie was due today.
- Au revoir les enfants: read scenes 1 & 2 and write brief summary for each (i.e. point form is fine, one point or sentence for each page.)
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