le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Introduire le cours.
- Gave course outlines and went over together. Read with your parents/guardians, sign bottom and keep in your binder. If you need a binder, ask. Organize your binder with 4 dividers. See course outline for labels for sections. Use cell phone agenda or buy a paper agenda to help you stay organized for your classes. Good learning skills contribute to better work (and higher marks).
- Went over some classroom rules/procedures - see post labelled "Classroom procedures" for details.
- Filled in "Student Information" handout.
- FSF 1D only (periods 1 & 3) - we are doing a special activity on Wed. Feb. 5 Chef à l'école. Permission forms were distributed (per.1 will receive on Monday) which must be signed for you to participate.
- Introduced the one classroom rule: Soyez respectueux. What does that look like? Wrote ideas on handout to use in a group activity on Monday.
- Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine, but could finish filling in "Comment montrer du respect" handout for group activity Monday, or at least think about it and the vocabulary needed in French.
- Read over course information sheet & have parents sign.
- Organize binder with dividers.