FSF 1P le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): On parle des vacances de Noël
- On écoute: We will complete in-class activities in preparation for the holiday break
- les devoirs: No homework over the break if all class work and assignments are submitted. It is suggested that students spend some time with fun activities in French to keep up the skills gained since September, perhaps using Home Study extras Duolingo, LyricsTraining, FreeRice.com
FSF 2D le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et nous parlons et nous lisons.
- On écoute: les chansons de Noël
- les devoirs: No homework over the break if all class work and assignments are submitted. It is suggested that students spend some time with fun activities in French to keep up the skills gained since September, perhaps using Home Study extras
- Mon blogue: in HWDSB Commons - "reseau d'amis" - read blog posts and comment.
- Duolingo, FreeRice.com, LyricsTraining, Language Gym, Tex's French Grammar - verb practice
- Un reportage: the HUB module "Le reportage". Dropbox Good copy due Fri. Dec. 14.