
le lundi 30 avril 2018

Le site du jour: Damon et Jo: Nos chansons préférées en français
Image result for springFSF 3U
le but d'apprentissage: Nous créons une bande annonce.
    ENG 1L
    Learning goal: We are comparing a novel and the film adaptation.
    • Newspaper: The Hamilton Spectator - trivia contest - today! Check out today's paper: TheSpec (link) Log in with my school email bkukhtaj@hwdsb.on.ca and the password is on the board. Follow the instructions on the poster at the front or back of the classroom. 
    • reflection & goal setting: My goals for the rest of the semester - publish blog article. Start, Stop, Continue. 
    • The Giver: 
      • Bonus feature: From Page to Screen
      • Dropbox - Work on own Venn Diagram in Notability or Google Drive or on paper to compare the novel and the film - 6 - 8 statements for each category (18 - 24 statements in total) - What are some of the significant or interesting events? Questions? Connections? Predictions? See posters on board for: Discussion and Venn Diagram - similarities and differences with the novel and the film. 
      • What are elements of good presentation of written work?
      • some time to get caught up on quizzes missed
    • Homework: Flipboard  
      • Image result for kids united
      • Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind. 
      • Newsela (link):  Our class code is4XBVZJ
          FSF 1D
          le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et lisons et écrivons.


          le vendredi 27 avril 2018

          Le site du jour: Le Château de Chambord, France
          FSF 3U
          le but d'apprentissage: Nous créons une bande annonce.
          • Le livret pour les nuls - iMovie trailer
          • la musique: Ma présentation d'une chanson: See the HUB module "les chansons" submodule "Discovering New Music".
            • le film de vendredi: film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching Chocolat.
            • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
                ENG 1L
                Learning goal: We are comparing a novel and the film adaptation.
                • reflection & goal settingMy goals for the rest of the semester - publish blog article. Start, Stop, Continue. 
                • Newspaper: The Hamilton Spectator - trivia contest - today! Check out today's paper: TheSpec (link) Log in with my school email bkukhtaj@hwdsb.on.ca and the password is on the board. Follow the instructions on the poster at the front or back of the classroom. 
                • The Giver: 
                  • See posters on board for: Discussion and Venn Diagram - similarities and differences with the novel and the film. 
                  • Work on own Venn Diagram in Notability or Google Drive or on paper to compare the novel and the film - 6 - 8 statements for each category (18 - 24 statements in total) - What are some of the significant or interesting events in this chapter? Questions? Connections? Predictions? In the book? 
                  • some time to get caught up on quizzes missed
                • Homework: Flipboard  
                  • Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind. 
                  • Newsela (link):  Our class code is4XBVZJ
                      FSF 1D
                      le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et lisons et écrivons.
                      • La Grande Course Postale Canadienne: Handwritten copy. Search for a secondary school somewhere in Canada to send your letter. Address the envelope.
                      • l'invitation - conversation - see details on the HUB module. Work time. Assessments of prepared conversation Friday if ready and more spontaneous conversation next week. 
                        • Work on creating personal calendar of a typical week. 
                      • Bescherelle:Jeux en ligne Choose: Les jeux Collège
                      • le film de vendredi: film in French with French subtitles where available - part of the Listening Strand of the curriculum and also for Francophone culture. This is not free time. Students are expected to watch and listen attentively (no iPads, no cellphones, no other work, no sleeping, no earphones, no talking). We are watching Les Vacances de M.Bean.
                      • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine as long as all caught up. Students may wish to do some review or practice, perhaps using Home Study extras
                      •  devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
                        • Publish blog article: Mes buts pour finir le semestre.  
                        • Letter & envelope - finish and submit if not already done.
                        • Fill in a typical weekly calendar. 


                      le jeudi 26 avril 2018

                      Le site du jour: 15 French Idioms You Should Know But Don’t
                      FSF 3U
                      le but d'apprentissage: Nous créons une bande annonce.
                        Image result for french
                      • On parle: Puis-je vous interviewer? With a partner or small group, use blue cards to ask questions (random order) and try to answer in full sentences, adding details where possible. Most important - parlez français. (10 - 15 minutes or so)
                      • Le livret pour les nuls - iMovie trailer
                      • la musique: Ma présentation d'une chanson: See the HUB module "les chansons" submodule "Discovering New Music".
                        • les devoirs: Should be spending 20 - 30 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
                            ENG 1L
                            Learning goal: We are comparing a novel and the film adaptation.
                            • reflection & goal settingMy goals for the rest of the semester - publish blog article. Start, Stop, Continue. 
                            • The Giver: 
                              • See posters on board for: Discussion and Venn Diagram - similarities and differences with the novel and the film. 
                              • Start own Venn Diagram in Notability or Google Drive or on paper to compare the novel and the film - 6 - 8 statements for each category (18 - 24 statements in total) - What are some of the significant or interesting events in this chapter? Questions? Connections? Predictions? In the book? In the film?
                              • some time to get caught up on quizzes missed
                            • Homework: Flipboard  
                              • Catch up on reading and quizzes for The Giver if behind. 
                              • Newsela (link):  Our class code is4XBVZJ
                                  FSF 1D
                                  le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous écoutons et lisons et écrivons.
                                  • On écoute et on litTV5monde A2: Escape games : des jeux pour s'évader
                                  • l'invitation - conversation - see details on the HUB module. Work time today and tomorrow. Assessments of prepared conversation Friday if ready and more spontaneous conversation next week. 
                                  • If time -Bescherelle:Jeux en ligne Choose: Les jeux Collège
                                    •  review les verbes - present indicative in Language Gym 
                                  • Options:  Duolingo or FreeRice.com or Digital Dialects - games or Language Gym or LyricsTraining.
                                  • les devoirs: Should be spending 15 - 20 minutes daily on French home study Monday through Thursday. If all class work is completed, follow suggestions in Home Study extras
                                    • Publish blog article: Mes buts pour finir le semestre.  
                                    • Letter - finish and submit if not already done.
                                    • Fill in a typical weekly calendar.