
le mercredi 3 décembre 2014

Site of the day: Essay contest for students in grade 10, 11 or 12 - scholarship money for prizes French for the Future - Concours de rédaction
Computer lab 319 for classes today.
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment mieux écrire et lire.
  • Essay contest - scholarship money for prizes French for the Future - Concours de rédaction
  • In computer lab - choice of activities but must be working in French:
    • blog - writing or reading from your network (be sure to leave a short, positive comment to let your friend know you read their article.)
    • writing the draft of your newspaper article and/or finding a photo/image to go with it.  Use the checklist already given to help you write the draft.
    • EQAO website
    • le passé - links for practice - includes links for le plus-que-parfait
    • Duolingo
    • les chansons
  • le passé: le plus-que-parfait.  Practice sheets will be given Thurs.  Test next Tues. Dec. 9.
  • l'article du journal: Topic: an incident from Cyrano de Bergerac, or, an incident from your own past. 
    • complete the mind-map (brainstorming/le remue-méninge, the plan/outline) for Dec. 3.  See example on poster in classroom.
    • complete the draft for Dec. 8 - make sure to do a "save as" and print then use la liste de contrôle (checklist) with a partner for editing the draft.
    • full assignment due Dec. 11.  (all parts - good copy with photo/image, draft(s) showing proof of editing, la liste de contrôle, le plan.  May be typed or handwritten.
    • We are booked into the computer lab again on Dec. 10.
    • les devoirs:
        • l'article du journal - plan - Dec. 3, draft - Dec. 8, good copy Dec.11.  (see above)
        • journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topic: les vacances d'hiver, les examens, la Coupe Grey, la Coupe Vanier ou - votre choix.  Students should have at least 9 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.  Blogs and checklist are due December 12.  See blog/journal FIF 2D or handout (with checklist) given in September for details.
      FIF 1D
      le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment écrire des événements à l'avenir.
      • In computer lab - choice of activities but must be working in French:
        • blog - writing or reading from your network (be sure to leave a short, positive comment to let your friend know you read their article.)
        • Duolingo
        • lessons, exercises, games or practice activities for verbs or vocabulary in French - search for your area of need
        • les chansons
        • Watch more of Au revoir les enfants or Notre Dame de Paris.
        • les devoirs:
            • journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topic: les vacances d'hiver, les examens, la Coupe Grey, la Coupe Vanier ou - votre choix.  Students should have at least 9 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track. Full assignment (blog and checklist) due December 12. See blog FIF 1D or handout given in September for details.
            • home study extras
            FSF 2D
            le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous apprenons comment écrire des événements au passé.
            • Essay contest - scholarship money for prizes French for the Future - Concours de rédaction
            • In computer lab - choice of activities but must be working in French:
              • blog - writing or reading from your network (be sure to leave a short, positive comment to let your friend know you read their article.)
              • writing the draft of your newspaper article and/or finding a photo/image to go with it.  Use the checklist already given to help you write the draft.
              • EQAO website
              • le passé - links for practice - includes links for le plus-que-parfait
              • Duolingo
              • les chansons
            • Project: Mon histoire de l'enfance - please hand in your short reflection about yesterday's activity speaking with another class.  Writing a newspaper article and presenting (later) to own class about a memory from childhood.    
              • Use handout - la liste de contrôle (checklist) - as a guideline for writing article and will use with a partner for editing the rough copy.  Topic: an incident from your own past. 
              • complete the mind-map (brainstorming/le remue-méninge, the plan/outline) for Dec. 3.  See example on poster in classroom.
              • complete the draft for Dec. 8 - make sure to do a "save as" and print then use la liste de contrôle (checklist) with a partner for editing the draft.
              • full assignment due Dec. 11.  (all parts - good copy with photo/image, draft(s) showing proof of editing, la liste de contrôle, le plan.  May be typed or handwritten.
              • We are booked into the computer lab again on Dec.10.
            • les devoirs:
              • l'article du journal - plan - Dec. 3, draft - Dec. 8, good copy Dec.11.  (see above)
              • journal/blog entry for this week - suggested topic: les vacances d'hiver, les examens, la Coupe Grey, la Coupe Vanier  ou - votre choix.  Students should have at least 9 entries completed by the end of this week to be on track.  Full assignment - blog and checklist - due December 12.  See Blog/journal FSF 2D or handout given in September for details.
              • home study extras 

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