
le jeudi 8 janvier 2015

Site of the day: Tips for learning languages  Lots of ideas here :)
Final Exams in January: 
  • all my classes will do their speaking exam today - Jan. 8 during class time.  We have been doing specific preparation for that beginning Jan. 5, and it is a culmination of all the speaking we have been doing in class and outside of class throughout the semester.
  • listening exam: in class.  Jan. 15.
  • writing/reading exams - 10 am - noon, in classroom 316
    • FIF 2D (period 1) Wed. Jan. 21
    • FIF 1D (period 2) Thurs. Jan. 22
    • FSF 2D (period 3) Fri. Jan. 23
le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous faisons une réflexion de notre semestre.
  • oral exam (in library with iPads) - use your notes on the cue card prepared in class this week.  Follow handout and instructions given Mon. Jan. 5.
  • When done exam - use iPad to prepare for listening and written/reading exams.  Check sites such as the "site of the day" posted at the beginning of many of my blog entries, in the "home study extras" below here and in the "recommended web sites" posted on the right side of this blog.  You may also wish to search for listening activities or songs in French to improve your listening skills.  You must be working independently on task in French.
  • les devoirs:
    FIF 1D
    le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous faisons une réflexion de notre semestre.
    • oral exam (in library with iPads) - use your notes on the cue card prepared in class this week.  Follow handout and instructions given Mon. Jan. 5.
    • When done exam - use iPad to prepare for listening and written/reading exams.  Check sites such as the "site of the day" posted at the beginning of many of my blog entries, in the "home study extras" below here and in the "recommended web sites" posted on the right side of this blog.  You may also wish to search for listening activities or songs in French to improve your listening skills.  You must be working independently on task in French.
    • les devoirs:
    FSF 2D
    le but d'apprentissage (learning goal): Nous faisons une réflexion de notre semestre.
    • oral exam (in library with iPads) - use your notes on the cue card prepared in class this week.  Follow handout and instructions given Mon. Jan. 5.
    • When done exam - use iPad to prepare for listening and written/reading exams.  Check sites such as the "site of the day" posted at the beginning of many of my blog entries, in the "home study extras" below here and in the "recommended web sites" posted on the right side of this blog.  You may also wish to search for listening activities or songs in French to improve your listening skills.  You must be working independently on task in French.
    • les devoirs:

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