
le jeudi 30 septembre 2010

  • Journal/Blog suggested topic: les soirées de danse à l'école.
  • Took up handout from Tues - le passé composé and discussed in groups.
  • Started project: Un incident dans mon passé. See handout for details. For today, just step one (brainstorm ideas and then decide on topic).
  • Had time in class to prepare for quiz tomorrow.
  • Devoirs: prepare for quiz: l'imparfait vs. le passé composé - description vs. action.
  • Terry Fox Run/Walk today, so no lesson. Great participation from the class!
  • Journal/Blog today: suggested topic: les soirées de danse à l'école.
  • Devoirs: 1. Prepare for quiz tomorrow: des verbes irréguliers au présent - être, avoir, faire, aller. 2. Ma Description: good copy due. Make sure you have all parts ready to hand in at the beginning of class. (See document "Les parties d'une composition" on the bulletin board in the classroom or our First Class conference as a reminder of the details.)
  • Went to library today for orientation.
  • Devoirs: Prepare for quiz tomorrow: les verbes réguliers "er", "ir", "re" . Make reference sheet for optional use for quiz. Review cahier pg. 6, 7 & 8.


le mercredi 29 septembre 2010

  • Terry Fox Run/Walk tomorrow. Bring in permission form and $3 to be able to participate.
  • Did verb contest to practise être, avoir, faire, aller.
  • Took up handout pre-test être, avoir, faire, aller.
  • Ma Description: Peer edited brouillon (draft) using handout.
  • Devoirs: 1. Ma Description: bonne copie dû le 1er octobre. Follow guidelines discussed and posted in class and on First Class. 2. Study for quiz Fri.Oct.1 (être, avoir, faire, aller au présent) - forms and meanings.

  • Gave handout and explained how to do accents on letters when using computer. We also talked about how to use the computer when writing any compositions. Tip: Use "save as" and print copies of your preparatory and draft work for when the teacher needs to see proof that you followed the writing process.
  • Took up cahier pgs 13 - 14 and practised questions & answers orally.
  • Lesson: l'imparfait vs. le passé composé: l'action continue ou soudain (interrupted action) using cahier pg. 15.
  • Work time: cahier pg. 16, make note in own words for cahier 15, study/review/practise of passé composé & imparfait
  • Devoirs: Finish anything not done in work time and spend some time studying passé composé & imparfait (test Fri. Oct. 1)
  • Warmed-up with an activity on the SmartBoard to review the regular verbs in the present tense.
  • Completed cahier pg. 6 - note at top and listening activity at bottom.
  • Completed and checked cahier pg. 7 and started pg. 8.
  • Made draft copies of a reference sheet that can be used during the quiz for "les verbes réguliers au présent: er, ir, re" on Fri. Oct. 1.
  • Devoirs: Make good copy of reference sheet on pink paper given that you can use if you choose for the quiz Friday. Practise these verbs and their forms.


le mardi 28 septembre 2010

  • Journal/Blog entry: suggested topic "Hockeyville".
  • Reviewed l'imparfait so far: formation, use for repeated action and description.
  • Extensive review lesson: le passé composé with note and practice handout (2 sided).
  • Devoirs: 1. cahier pgs. 13 - 14 for tomorrow 2. Handout: le passé composé for Thurs. Sept 30. 3. Quiz: l'imparfait vs. le passé composé: action & description Fri. Oct. 1.

  • Journal/Blog entry: suggested topic "Hockeyville".
  • Checked and corrected devoirs - handout of irregular verbs être, avoir, faire, aller in present tense. Quiz on Fri. Oct. 1.
  • Made note of expectations for paragraph "Ma Description" and looked at examples of planning sheets and level 3 and 4 paragraphs. These exemplars are posted in the classroom. We had time in class to review the planning sheets done last week and to write most of the draft due tomorrow for peer editing. Be sure to write on every other line. Check our Parkside First Class conference for your class for exemplars also. The good copy will be due on Fri. Oct. 1.
  • Devoirs: 1. Ma description - draft due tomorrow. 2. Handout pre-test être, avoir, faire, aller and study these verbs.
  • HockeyVille Assembly today!
  • Lesson: les verbes réguliers au présent. We used the livre (text) pg. 10 and the cahier pg. 6 to make a note.
  • Devoirs: Review the lesson and start to memorize the verb endings (cahier pg. 6)


le lundi 27 septembre 2010

  • We began with an activity to increase speaking and listening skills and discussing "Point of View" using a photo of a guy in a movie theatre then did an "Exit Card" to assess learning.
  • Lesson and note: les verbes irréguliers: être, avoir, faire, aller. Handout to practise and quiz Thurs. Sept. 30.
  • Devoirs: fiche (handout) for verbs and study verbs for quiz.
  • We began with and activity to increase speaking and listening skills and discussing "Point of View" using a photo of a guy in a movie theatre then did an "Exit Card" to assess learning.
  • Quick review of irregular verbs être, avoir, faire, aller in the present tense.
  • In groups, finished reading chapter 2 of "la Machine à Rajeunir" and did "As-tu compris" questions orally. Optional: Do one of the "expansion" activities orally in your group.
  • Continued working on cahier pgs. 13 -14 in groups.
  • Devoirs: Re-read chapter 2 of "La Machine" and complete cahier pgs. 13 - 14 for Wed. Sept. 29.
  • DVD – Mission Possible 1 – with handout to check comprehension (vrai/faux).
  • 3 Handouts – puzzles on vocabulary. Follow instructions on each page. Use the lexique at the back of workbook or dictionaries if needed. Any work not finished in class is homework.
  • Devoirs: Anything not done in class will need to be completed for homework. I will be checking the work tomorrow before the NHL assembly.


le vendredi 24 septembre 2010

Weekends for Ms.K-J's classes: Normally, there is homework assigned each night from Monday to Thursday and not on Fridays. If you didn't finish any work from this week, use the weekend to catch up. You could use the weekend to do a bit of extra review and practice for vocabulary or language structures or verbs by going over or re-doing your notes or by finding practice activities or games on the internet. You could also watch one of your favorite movies on DVD with the audio in French. Animated movies work particularly well. Try to watch and listen without using subtitles. Doing this regularly will help you to increase your listening comprehension and vocabulary.

  • Read livre pgs. 18 - 20 in groups.
  • Watched DVD 17 Again (French audio and the theme fits in with reverse aging of the story we are reading "La machine à rajeunir".)
  • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine.
  • Did listening activity: cahier pg.9 to practise adjectives.
  • Wrote descriptions of celebrities or friends (cahier pg. 9 bottom) and read them aloud.
  • Took up devoirs cahier pg.187 ex. B & C.
  • Watched DVD Shrek - in French without subtitles.
  • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine.
  • Prepared and presented short conversations about activities you do with your friends.
  • Checked homework (fiche #1)
  • Watched DVD Shrek (in French, no subtitles)
  • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine (but - some students still need to complete and hand in assignment "Mon Horaire" which was due Wed.).


le jeudi 23 septembre 2010

  • Journal/blog: suggested topic: "Les présentations orales".
  • Checked and corrected devoirs: cahier pg.186 Ex.A.
  • Lesson and note: les adjectifs super-irréguliers. Check livre pg. 209- 210 for another way to see the lesson. There will be a test next week on adjectives - regular and irregular, forms and meanings.
  • écoute: cahier pg. 8
  • Devoirs: 1. cahier pg 187 ex. B & C. 2. Review/study adjectives and perhaps re-do note. 3. Journal/blog.

  • Journal/blog today: suggested topic: "Comment j'ai changé depuis 9e année".
  • Read livre pgs. 16 - 17 using photocopies and 3 colours of highlighters: one for words that resemble English, one for words you know, one for words that you will need to look up in the dictionary. Then, we read the pages by yourself or in groups.
  • Continued working on cahier pgs. 13-14. You won't be able to finish these pages until we complete the chapter, but can try to answer some of it.
  • Lots of time in class to work in groups on games and puzzle handout to learn, review and/or practise vocabulary of chapters 1 & 2 and verbs and conjugations of verbs.
  • Devoirs: 1. Re-read livre 16 - 17. 2. Review conjugations of 2 or 3 verbs. 3. Journal/blog.

  • Handed in "Mon Horaire" assignments (late, but accepted with note saying why late, plans for on-time for next assignment, and parent/guardian signature indicating that they know it was late.)
  • Checked homework: cahier pg. 4 and had a small conversation in groups.
  • Read, said, practised, learned vocabulary and expressions in livre (textbook) pgs. 8 - 9.
  • Did cahier pg. 5, a listening activity.
  • Devoirs: handout: fiche #1. Use the green vocabulary sheet given yesterday to help complete it.


le mercredi 22 septembre 2010

  • Read livre pgs. 13 - 15 together in groups.
  • Started cahier pgs. 13 - 14. We will work on it as we read the chapter and complete it after finishing the chapter.
  • Played some games to practise vocabulary of Ch. 1 (Pictionary or Bonhomme Pendu) using whiteboards, SmartBoard, blackboard or paper.
  • Devoirs: 1. Re-read livre pgs. 13 - 15. 2. Study vocabulary. 3. Review and practise a couple of verbs.

  • Did final rehearsals then presented "Mon/Ma partenaire". Très bien fait! We also did some self-assessment by writing comments and tips for improvement for the next presentation.
  • Reviewed adjectives and added more irregular adjectives to our note from yesterday.
  • Did livre pg. 14 "Application" orally.
  • Devoirs: cahier pg. 186 ex. A and review adjective note.

  • Handed in "Mon Horaire". If not done for today, it is late. You must write a note explaining why it was late, what you will do to make sure assignments are on time next time, and have your parents or guardian sign the paper before you can hand it in for assessment.
  • We had a Code Lockdown drill.
  • We distributed cahiers (workbooks) and put name on cover. Take good care of them. Bring them to class every day. If lost or damaged, you will need to replace them at a cost of $11.00.
  • We also distributed the livre (textbook) which will be used in class only. No need for them to go home. We did an activity called "Chasse aux trésors" to become familiar with the livre.
  • Devoirs: cahier (workbook) page 4. Use the green vocabulary sheet to help fill in the questionnaire with your activities.


le mardi 21 septembre 2010

  • Had time in class to finish preparing oral presentation "Mon/Ma Partenaire". Presentations are Wed. Sept. 22.
  • Lesson and Note: les adjectifs réguliers (practised on transparency also) and irréguliers. See livre pgs. 13 - 14 and 208 - 209 for more details.
  • Devoirs: 1. Start journal/blog. Suggested topic: VIVE weekend. 2. Review and maybe re-do note on adjectives. 3. Practise presentation minimum 10 times out loud with an audience. 20 times is even better.


  • Reviewed using VAK learning styles then wrote quiz: l'imparfait: la formation. There is the possibility of a re-test if needed. Remember the 3 rules of re-test: Show the corrected test. Show other evidence of studying. Make arrangements to do it at lunch or after school.
  • Handed in assignment: "Quand j'étais petit/e..." If late, must write note answering why it was late, how you will make sure your work is on time in the future, and your parents or guardians must sign the note before I will accept the late work.
  • Began reading chapter 2 of "la machine à rajeunir" pgs. 13 - 14. Did "Avant de Lire" discussion from pg. 13 and started the reading in groups.
  • Devoirs: 1. journal/blog: Suggested topic: Mes buts (goals) pour cette année but you are free to choose any topic. 5 - 6 sentences. 2. Re-read livre pgs. 13 - 14. 3. Find pictures and/or maps of the route from Quebec City to Percé.


  • rechauffement: fiche #11 Matière-Mystère to review vocabulary of school subjects.
  • Mon Horaire: assignment: Gave template to fill in as good copy or can use it as a draft and make your own on the computer. Fill in your timetable - in French. Due tomorrow, Wed.Sept.22. Started in class and finish for Devoirs.
  • Did most of Fiche #8 - Pour avoir une bonne discussion to review good habits in class and to self-assess for areas of improvement.


le lundi 20 septembre 2010


  • Rechauffement: un activité oral - building vocabulary and speaking sentences to describe a photo of kids playing basketball. Did self-assessment after (What did well, not so well, how to improve.).
  • Lesson and note: l'imparfait - l'usage II - description in the past. Used blackboard and cahier pg. 12 and oral examples using various descriptive verbs to make sentences.
  • Devoirs: 1. quiz tomorrow: l'imparfait - la formation 2. Complete good copy of 8 - 10 sentences "Quand j'étais petit/e..." 3. Make sure you have your journal or blog set up.


  • Rechauffement: un activité oral - building vocabulary and speaking sentences to describe a photograph of kids playing basketball. Did self-assessment after (What did well, not so well, how to improve.).
  • Lots of time and ideas and sentence starters in class to prepare an 8 - 10 sentence oral introduction "Mon/Ma partenaire" which will be presented on Wed. Sept. 22. You will be able to use a cue card, so no need to memorize. Use simple, correct sentences.
  • Quick review lesson on "les adjectifs réguliers".
  • Devoirs: 1. Work on your presentation to complete writing it and check adjectives. 2. Have your journal or blog ready for tomorrow.


  • Rechauffement: Charades with classroom expressions.
  • activité d'écoute: fiche #7
  • pronunciation practice
  • Reviewed vocabulary of places, rooms, areas of a school.
  • devoirs: Get your binder better organized to make French class easier.


le vendredi 17 septembre

Assembly Day: Student Council campaign speeches and voting today.


  • Student information verification sheets were distributed. Have your parents/guardians check and correct them and return to the school by Sept. 30.
  • Short discussion in small groups (in French as much as possible) about names - meaning, origins, stories, etc.
  • cahier pg. 10 -11. Did interview with partner. On Monday, we will start to develop oral presentations to introduce your partner to the class.
  • watched DVD Shrek (en français, bien sûr!).
  • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine.
  • Reminder: Decide if your journal will be written by hand or electronic, then find or purchase a notebook or set up your blog.


  • Edited draft 8 - 10 sentences: "Quand j'étais petit/petite,..." or "Quand j'avais # ans,..." using l'imparfait - repeated or habitual action in the past i.e. "used to...". Good copy due Tues. Sept. 21.
  • Watched DVD "17 encore".
  • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine.
  • Reminder: Decide if your journal will be written by hand or electronic, then find or purchase a notebook or set up your blog.


  • Finished presentations "Mon Introduction". Great job on the presentations and on the comments and suggestions to help each other improve.
  • Started watching DVD Shrek.
  • Pas de devoirs pour la fin de semaine. (No homework for the weekend.)


le jeudi 16 septembre 2010

  • Showed my blog, the First Class conference for our class and a few other useful web sites.
  • Students will be doing their own journals or blogs twice weekly beginning next week. A topic will be suggested, but students have their choice of any topic and will write about 5 sentences or so (in French or mostly in French). Devoirs: decide what type of journal (paper or electronic) and set it up to begin journalling next week.
  • Lesson and note: l'imparfait - l'usage - l'action répétée ou d'habitude - cahier pg. 11 and note on board.
  • Devoirs: draft of 8 - 10 sentences beginning with "Quand j'étais petit/petite..." using l'imparfait to express things you used to do when you were little (and don't do anymore).
  • game: Transformations (based on ch. 1 of "la machine à rajeunir".


  • Showed my blog, the First Class conference for our class and a few other useful web sites.
  • Students will be doing their own journals or blogs twice weekly beginning next week. A topic will be suggested, but students have their choice of any topic and will write about 5 sentences or so (mostly in French). Devoirs: decide what type of journal (paper or electronic) and set it up to begin journalling next week.
  • checked brainstorming sheet for Ma Description. Many students need to complete it still (see Sept. 15 explanation in this blog)
  • Read livre pg. 12. Devoirs: Find out meaning of own name or names and/or any stories about your name.
  • Cahier pg. 10 - 11 part A only - finish if didn't complete in class.


  • Practised presentation "Mon Introduction" in small groups then presented for assessment.
  • Devoirs: Practise again tonight if still need to present or spend time reviewing numbers and vocabulary.


le 15 septembre 2010


  • rechauffement: started brainstorming page for Ma Description using a concept map. We put first name in a star in the middle and drew 5 ovals with an adjective of personality in each oval. Adjective reference sheets are available in the classroom.
  • Did listening activity cahier pg. 6.
  • Read and discussed livre pgs. 10 -11.
  • Added new vocab. to cahier pg.4 #1 & #2.
  • Devoirs: Add "proofs" to each adjective on brainstorming page by writing activities and interests (en français!) to each oval.


  • Took up cahier pgs. 7, 8 & 9 and did group discussion using pg. 9
  • Lesson and note: l'imparfait: la formation - on board and using cahier pg. 10
  • Verb chart (les verbes au présent) - Use this to review/remember verb forms. It does not have to be entirely completed until early next week.
  • Devoirs: review (maybe re-do) note l'imparfait. There will be a quiz next Tues. Sept.21.


  • Played TicTacToe using questions and answers on fiche #4.
  • Filled in handout "Mon Introduction" and practised to present tomorrow. Partners helped presenters to improve by giving constructive feedback.
  • Lesson: Mon Horaire: fiche #6. Looked at timetable and reviewed vocabulary of school subjects.
  • écoute: fiche #7.
  • Devoirs: Practise "Mon Introduction" at least 10 times out loud. Keep track of number of times rehearsed using tick marks on handout.


le 14 septembre 2010

Code Lockdown assembly this morning to review procedures in case of lockdown. Make sure you know what to do for lockdown and fire drill, especially if you happened to be out of the classroom, to reduce your risk of harm.


  • Took up cahier pgs. 5 & 6
  • Finished reading "La Machine.." ch.1 (pgs. 9 - 12) and discussed and did "As-tu compris?" questions orally.
  • Devoirs: Re-read ch.1, cahier pgs. 7, 8 & 9, make brief summary notes (plot, characters). We did start the homework in class and suggested ways to do the work more efficiently by matching your personal learning style.
  • Reminder: Make sure you understand the homework before you leave the classroom.


  • Gave time in class to review and practise les verbes réguliers au présent before quiz using study methods to match your own learning style, then did quiz.
  • Anyone whose mark was less than 75% on this quiz should prepare for a re-test.
  • Re-test rules: Must show that you have corrected the original test. Must show other evidence of studying. Must make arrangements with teacher to do the test on your lunch or after school.
  • Devoirs: No specific homework assigned tonight, so, review verbs or numbers or do something else to help you practise French.


  • Did warm-up activity for vocabulary of classroom items using SmartBoard.
  • Took up and checked last night's homework Fiche #5 (crossword).
  • Practised pronunciation of é, è & ç - Great job!
  • Filled in answers on fiche #4 TicTacToe.
  • Devoirs: Practise questions and answers on fiche #4 to prepare to do game tomorrow.


le 13 septembre 2010

Check also my Twitter "tweets" for other tips and news. Go to www.twitter.com and search @bevkj. You don't need to have your own account to check but can get an account if you want to be a follower.

  • Gave textbooks today. Take care of your assigned book and bring it to class every day. We did a quick "tour" of the book and the resources it has to help you learn French and introduced Unité 1: moi-même.com. (Livre pg.7 & cahier pg.4-5).
  • Did a questionnaire inventory to see if you are a Visual, Auditory or Kinesthetic learner and discussed how to use that information to study more effectively for your quiz tomorrow (les verbes réguliers au présent). We also check pages 6 and 7 of the agendas for further information on learning style.
  • Started cahier pg. 6 with livre pg.8 -9.
  • Devoirs: Study for verb quiz.


  • rechauffement (warm-up) - Talked (in French!) about what did on weekend.
  • Did Learning Types inventory: The choices: Choice, Practicality, Research, Feelings. Worked on own, then in groups with same type to discuss how to increase study effectiveness.
  • Read La machine à rajeunir pgs. 7 - 9(top) and discussed.
  • Devoirs: re-read livre pgs. 6 - 9 and make brief notes about characters and plot summary (in English is fine for now). Complete cahier pgs. 5 - 6.


  • Discussed how to be successful in French.
  • Gave pink handout for useful vocabulary for this unit. We practiced lots of classroom questions, directions, items, and also reviewed personal questions and answers.
  • Checked vocab puzzles from last week.
  • Took up fiche #2 from last week.
  • Started fiche #3 - did part A and started the listening for part B.
  • Devoirs (homework): fiche #5: Mots-Croisés (crossword puzzle). Do your best to complete it. Use the pink vocab. sheet and other handouts to help.


le 10 septembre 2010

Picture day on Monday, September 13!


  • Good work on your quiz today (les verbes réguliers au présent et réfléchis). There will be a re-test available next week if needed. You must do 3 things for a re-test: Show the corrected test, show other evidence of studying, make arrangements to write it at lunch.
  • Reflection: What is your learning style and what strategies help you study most effectively?
  • Began watching DVD 17 Encore.
  • Pas de devoirs cette fin de semaine.


  • We welcomed Miranda, our co-op student.
  • Took up and checked the practice verb sheets to prepare for quiz next Tues Sept 14 (les verbes réguliers au présent)
  • No homework this weekend unless you need to learn your verbs.
  • Gave cahier - a gift from the school. Yours to use and keep. Take care of it.
  • Did vocabulary review in groups using livre (text) pgs. 8 -9.
  • Began watching DVD Shrek.


le 9 septembre 2010


  • had time in class to work on practice sheet for les verbes réguliers au présent - due tomorrow and quiz on Tues Sept 14.
  • verb contest to practice verbs
  • Filled in Student Information Sheet and handed in
  • Checked that vocab review puzzles were completed
  • checked course info sheet and agenda signed and that students have a binder and dividers. We will check again soon.

  • Practised les verbes réguliers au présent et les verbes réfléchis in verb contest and checked handout from yesterday
  • quiz tomorrow (les verbes)
  • Did "Avant de Lire" discussion and prediction for La Machine à Rajeunir and began reading chapitre 1 pg.6 - 7(halfway). Re-read for homework.


  • Checked for vocabulary puzzles completed. Gave tickets for draw. If not done, finish for tomorrow. (also - sign course info, binder, dividers)
  • Lots of conversational questions and answers.
  • fiche #2 - complete for devoirs (homework)
  • Practise alphabet in French.


le 8 septembre


  • Did VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) Inventory - handout and agenda pgs. 6 - 7.
  • Review lesson and note and handout (devoirs): les pronoms sujets et les verbes réguliers au présent ("er", "ir", "re" & les verbes réfléchis). Quiz on Fri. Sept. 10. Use VAK tips to study more efficiently.
  • Distributed Nouvelles Frontières 10e text and cahier and took a quick look at them.
  • Introduced novel "La Machine à Rajeunir" (textbook).

Don't forget:

  • Signatures on course info sheet and agenda.
  • $12 for cahier
  • Finish number puzzles from yesterday.
  • Binder and dividers.


  • Did diagnostic test.
  • Lesson and note and handout (2 sides) for practice: Les pronoms sujets, les verbes réguliers au présent. Re-do note more neatly if needed. Finish handout for Fri. Sept. 10. Quiz next Tues. Sept. 14.
  • gave Reference sheet (lilac colour) for numbers and verbs.
  • Puzzle to review vocabulary due Fri. Sept 10. (2 sides).

Don't forget:

  • Student fees $20
  • Yearbook (optional but recommended) $35
  • blue Consent to release personal information form signed
  • agenda signed (don't tear out page)
  • Course information sheet (green) signed - don't tear off bottom!
  • binder and dividers


  • Did Diagnostic test to see current levels (not for marks!)
  • did VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinesthetic) Inventory to discover own learning style
  • be sure to complete vocabulary puzzles for tomorrow
  • binder and dividers and signature on course info sheet (if not already done)


Bienvenue! le 7 sept 2010

Welcome back to school for a great new year. Check this blog regularly for a summary of class and for homework.

Tonight, go over your course information sheet and your agenda (first section) with your parents and have them sign it. Make sure you have a binder and 4 or 5 dividers labelled:

  • les notes
  • les pratiques
  • les évaluations
  • les projets

les casse-têtes (puzzles) - optional section

First day, first class and first assembly.

Finish number puzzles (both sides of page).

Finish number puzzles (both sides of page).